Into The Fire

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It was Logan's usual weekend to have Ava and so as not to disrupt her routine too much, he stopped by collected her after work as he normally would and whisked her off for a weekend of fun at Daddy's apartment. Logan still really loved his weekends with Ava, it had always been their precious time that they got to spend alone together and although he'd seen her a little more than usual recently, the daddy and daughter bonding time meant the world to both of them.

It still felt a little weird to Rory that they were together in every other sense of the word but continued to look after Ava separately, however they hadn't yet fully broached the subject with Ava so they decided to keep things as they were for a little longer until they'd found a way to tell her about their new relationship.

In the meantime, weird as it might feel, Rory wasn't going to lie, she completely relished having some time to herself on the weekends after being on mom duty all week. As she had her Saturday morning completely free she had arranged to meet Steph for lunch.

"Is Ava with Logan today?" Steph asked as she sat opposite from Rory in their usual meeting spot.

Rory nodded as she took a bite of her sandwich "Yeah, it's his turn to be "dance mom" and take Ava to her Saturday morning ballet class."

"Nice. I'm going to presume that this is a completely different class given the circumstances..." Steph said with a smirk.

"Oh yes," Rory grimaced "There was no way that I was ever going to feel comfortable going back there, so we had to move her to another one."

"Unlucky, but you know what they say don't you? Don't shit where you eat. You should probably remind Logan of that one" Steph laughed.

Rory rolled her eyes at her friend and accidentally let out a big yawn that had been threatening to escape for a while.

"Am I boring you, Rory? Late night?" Steph said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"No," Rory said pointedly. "Not last night anyhow..."

Steph laughed and shook her head. "Jeez Rory, don't you guys ever stop humping each other?"

Rory blushed a little. "How do you know what, it doesn't matter..." she said holding her hands up in defense "I'm not going to apologize for it, we're making up for lost time. Plus, I cannot get enough at the moment."

"It's that good huh?" Steph said.

Rory smiled and nodded "It's that good."

"Damn," said Steph. "I always heard the rumors about Logan in college, you're telling me they were all true?"

"All true" Rory nodded and smiled. "In fact, I'm not sure they did him justice, to be honest..." she said with a wink.

Steph laughed. "So, Logan has been staying over then...that's kind of something, isn't it? Have you told Ava yet that mommy and daddy are doing the horizontal mambo?"

Rory laughed. "Not yet, and I seriously doubt that's the terminology I'll use when I do get around to telling her..."

"You're going to tell her though?" Steph asked carefully. Once Rory and Logan told their daughter that they were a couple, there really was no going back for them. She was so keen for them to take that next step.

"Yeah, I've got to. I mean, he's coming around a lot more..." she stopped when Steph interrupted her.

"Well sure, when there's sex on tap 24/7 who wouldn't?"

Rory rolled her eyes and ignored her friend. "And we're going to have to tell Logan's parents at some point so...she needs to know before they do because they'll surely delight in trying to screw me over in some way."

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