Ring In The New

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Rory and Logan left the party hand-in-hand, and once outside the house, Logan called his car service to collect them to take them back to his apartment. They didn't really say a whole lot to each other on the journey, both afraid to speak any words that could break the magical moment that they seemed to find themselves in. Logan kept hold of Rory's hand the whole time and when the car pulled up outside his apartment, he led Rory inside.

Rory had never really spent much time at Logan's place and she hadn't been there in a really long time. Whenever she had stopped by, her visits there had normally been short and perfunctory – she was usually just dropping off or collecting their daughter – so this time she was looking at his apartment with fresh eyes. She scanned around the room and smiled at all the pictures of Ava that hung on the walls. Logan was certainly a very proud father.

"Do you want a drink?' Logan said as Rory kicked off her heels and sat down on the sofa. Her feet were starting to ache from all the dancing and standing around.

"Sure" she nodded. "Hey, Logan, where were you all night? I thought I'd see you earlier."

"Did you miss me?" he smirked.

Rory rolled her eyes "Of course you would immediately think that."

"Ugh, Huntzberger thing" he called from the kitchen as he got the drinks "Mom was trying to set me up with some girl from the DAR and got me to the house under false pretences" he groaned. "You're lucky I managed to escape at all," he said as he came back into the room carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses. He put them down on the side table while he popped the cork.

"Wow, champagne," Rory said. "You're pulling out all the stops tonight. What exactly are we celebrating?"

"A Happy New Year of course," Logan said as he handed her a glass of champagne.

"You know exactly what champagne does to me. Anyone would think that you trying to get me drunk?" She said with mock surprise and a wink.

"Well of course I am, how else am I going to have my wicked way with you?" he said, winking back.

Rory raised an eyebrow at him. She took a sip of the champagne, feeling the bubbles tickling the back of her throat. Logan sat down on the sofa next to her and brushed some stray hair away from her face before he leaned in and kissed her softly. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead gently against his.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked.

"I'm a little nervous" Rory admitted.

"I can tell," he said as he pulled back to look at her and stroked her hair back from her face. "You don't have to be nervous with me, you know that. Not ever."

"I know. I don't mean to be." She looked into his eyes. "It's just that...this could change everything. Are you ready for that?"

Logan nodded. "I'm about to show you just how ready I am." He said as he took the glass out of her hand and put it down on the coffee table. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the sofa and led her towards the bedroom.

As they reached the bedroom door, Rory smiled as Logan pressed his lips to hers once again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt herself melt into him as he pulled her closer. She parted her lips, the tip of her tongue gliding softly along his bottom lip. Logan's hands trailed down her back to grab her ass firmly, pulling her firmly against him and delighting in the tiny moan that came from her. One of her hands clutched in the back of his hair and the other slipped under his shirt and onto his back. Logan could feel his arousal increasing. He just couldn't get enough of her.

"This is really quite unnecessary," Logan murmured against her lips. Rory was about to ask what he meant when she felt him reach behind her and he slowly started to unzip her dress. "And you're not going to need whatever is under it either."

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