Ring Out The Old

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Rory really enjoyed spending a few chilled days back in Stars Hollow with her friends and family. It really gave her the chance to catch up with everyone. While she really only lived a short distance away, she didn't get back to the town as often as she liked and she generally relied on Lorelai for keeping up with all the gossip.

One of the things that she most appreciated was being able to spend some time with her old friend Lane. They saw each other a lot less these days which was in part down to the fact that Lane herself didn't spend a lot of time in Stars Hollow after her band, Hep Alien, had landed some touring gigs which saw them travelling all over the country. Despite the fact that they rarely physically got together, Rory knew she would always consider Lane to be her very best friend and she was so proud of the success she had found doing something that she loved.

"Oh my God Rory, look at you, you look amazing," Lane said as she hugged her friend.

"I can't believe it's been three months since I last saw you Lane! How has life on the road been?" Rory smiled.

Lane flopped back on the sofa "Ugh, it's fun you know, but staying in such close quarters with three guys all the time? Let's just say the novelty has well and truly worn off." She groaned. "You don't fancy joining a band, do you? Because a little more oestrogen and a little less testosterone would really balance things out a bit."

Rory laughed "You know, I don't think that band life would be for me at all. Besides, I have a real job now!" Rory said proudly.

"You do?" Lane said, "How am I so behind on ALL the news!"

"I've been meaning to email you but life has been crazy busy. I've got a job writing for the Hartford Courant" Rory said.

"That's great news! Wow, well done Rory"

"Well, I'd be prouder of myself had I not had to ask Logan to get me said job but...even so, I'm really enjoying it, it's great to be writing again and the editor is so great, I can even get over the mental hurdle of having to work for the Huntzbergers again" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of which...how is Logan?" Lane asked carefully. It had always been a topic of conversation that could go either way. She had been on the receiving end of many a tearful telephone call in the early days after their break-up and throughout Rory's pregnancy when she was at an all-time low.

"Oh, he's fine," Rory said succinctly.

"Okay spill Gilmore," Lane said, "You can't pull the wool over these eyes, I know you too well."

Rory bit her lip. "We're kind of going through something right now..."

"Something....good? or....something bad?" Lane said intrigued.

"It's a really long, boring and angst-filled story but I'll give you the edited highlights. One day Logan and I drank a little too much red wine and we kind of kissed but were stopped in our tracks by an interruption also known as our lovely daughter. Two days later Logan starts dating Ava's dance teacher, who he then introduces to his family and Ava as his girlfriend. As a knee-jerk reaction and a mini-panic on my part, I got a lawyer to put together a custody agreement and I almost slept with someone I met in a bar. We had several fights about all of this and then finally my mom caught Logan and I making out on my bed at Ava's 4th birthday party."

"Making out, making out – like proper making out?" Lane asked.

"Jeez Lane, is that all you got from that?" Rory shook her head.

"It was a lot of information!" Lane said defending herself.

Rory nodded. "My life, in a nutshell"

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