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"Dragonfly Inn, Lorelai speaking," Lorelai said. She was on complete autopilot as she absentmindedly answered the phone at the front desk at the Inn.

"I thought you might like to be the first to know that Logan and I...we are now completely official," Rory said proudly, although it felt very strange saying it out loud.

Lorelai smiled. "What? Who is this?"

"Mom" Rory groaned.

"Oh Rory, it's you" she joked. "So you've talked about it and you're together now?"

"We are," Rory said. "We are definitely one hundred percent together."

"And how exactly is that going to work?" Lorelai asked cautiously. "I mean, with Ava...are you going to tell her?"

"I actually don't know about that yet, but we're together, and it's serious but we're not going to rush things so..." Rory trailed off.

"It's serious already?" Lorelai said slightly surprised.

"It has to be Mom" Rory shrugged "Neither of us is going to risk making Ava unhappy for just a casual fling."

"I guess not...and you're really both completely on the same page Rory. I just hate the thought of you getting clobbered again."

"Yeah, we're on the same page." Rory smiled "We love each other"

"Well I am happy for you kiddo," Lorelai said. "If this is what you want, then you should go for it and grab it with both hands."


A few days later, Logan came around to collect Ava for their usual mid-week dinner date. Rory greeted him at the door to her apartment and as Ava was around, he leaned in to kiss her chastely on the cheek as he normally would.

Rory couldn't help but feel that the whole scenario felt a little weird. He was her boyfriend now but they weren't exactly acting like it. However, it was early days in their relationship and they'd both decided that for now, their usual routine should continue as much as possible for Ava's sake. Rory was okay with that, her daughter's happiness would always be the priority, but it just felt strange when all she wanted to do was touch him and she felt like she had to be super restrained for the time being.

"Ava, you're going to need to go get your jacket if you're going out with daddy?" Rory said to the little girl who happily skipped back off to her bedroom.

She looked up at smiled at Logan. "So, is it just me or does this feel weird to you too? she said as she fiddled with her hair.

Logan smiled back at her. "A little but I'm sure it will get easier with time."

"Yeah," Rory said.

"I guess we probably need to think about what we're going to tell Ava at some point?" Logan said.

"Yeah, I thought about that a little but I'm not really sure." Rory wrinkled her nose. "Do you think we need to tell her anything just yet? I mean, it's really only been a few days..."

Logan shrugged as he was about to say something else but Ava came running back and grabbed his hand. "Are you ready to go Ava?" he asked.

Ava nodded and smiled "Bye mommy," she said as Rory leaned down to kiss her.

"Bye, have fun both of you," she said as she closed the door.

Rory leaned back against the door. That whole exchange had felt quite odd. She really did hope that things would become more natural between them, and soon.


Later that evening, after they'd had dinner Logan brought Ava back to Rory's apartment. He got her ready for bed and tucked her in as he had done so many times before and then joined Rory in the kitchen where she was just cleaning up from her own evening meal.

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