chapter 1

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--Y/n P.O.V--

"Y/n wake up!" I hear a echo and it keeps saying that "Wake up" ugh make it stoppppppp. T_T "Wake the duck up Y/n or I'll slap you" wait a minute Rudo!?! "Why are you in my dream Rudo" I mumble. I hear Rudo say "Y/n you asked for it"seconds later and h-h-he freaking slapped me.

I woke right up and yelled " WHY DA FUCK DID YOU SLAP MEH" Rudo was laughing his ass off and  "w-w-well you wouldn't wake up a-a-after I called your name"  he laughed right in my face. I was pissed but I couldn't help but laugh too. "Oh yea Y/n I woke you up because your mom placed a ticket on your table and left with your dad to go to Paris" Rudo explained after calming down. Oh yeah they did say they were leaving for business before me welp might as well get dressed before I'm late "
I was so excited last night that I went to sleep early because I'm not a morning person.I took a 30 minute shower and got dressed

You like cats (because you're from the cat family)

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You like cats (because you're from the cat family)

You like cats (because you're from the cat family)

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Since its summer might as well

Your kinda a tomboy girly girl so you do both (if you don't please pretend)

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Your kinda a tomboy girly girl so you do both (if you don't please pretend)

Your kinda a tomboy girly girl so you do both (if you don't please pretend)

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You thought it was cute and easy

I grab my bags and go to my limo the driver named Jason greets me like always I kinda had a crush on him since I were little because he was only two months older than me and the only boy I ever really see alot.

" Hello miss Y/n" he shines a brightly smile at me the smile that makes your heart melt I blush really red "H-H-HELLO CUTIE UM NO SIR UM Please drive me to the airport" I  blush even more from embarrassment and quickly go into the limo.

While I go in he chuckles a little and I blush even more, jeez what's wrong with me today  "Nice moves Y/n" Rudo says flirty. "S-S-Shut up" I say loud so only rudo hears. I felt so tired so I fell asleep like I always do (Duh) ,Rudo fell asleep with me.

--Jason's P.O.V

I wonder why y/n was so quite hmmm. Soon we are at the airport and I opened the door, I really wanted to see Y/n because I liked her a lot and it my last time seeing her for a while but of course I can't date her heh T_T either way I saw her sleeping she looked so cute but I had to wake her up.

--Y/n P.O.V--

Someone kept shaking me and I woke up quickly I found out it was...Jason!?! Oh I must have been asleep omgg Wheres Rudo.....Found him chilling on my shoulder sleeping! Oh wait Jason. "Take my hand miss we're here" he gently smiled I blushed red and took his hand. As he was grabbing my hand I started feeling giddy inside, it felt like I was meant to be with him.

I got up and went by the private plane as Jason grabbed my stuff I couldn't stand there and watch Jason do that so I helped him.  I had to say goodbye after that but Jason said it first "Y/n I know that we will be apart and I hope you have a good life in Paris I'll try and visit you okay" he said as a tear rolled down both of our eyes I had to say something.

"Jason we're not saying goodbye forever just see you soon okay, I'll come back to y/h/t as soon as I can or even give you a ticket I promise." as that happened we hugged and I was about to kiss him when the drivers infront of us  told us to hurry up. We moved away quickly while blushing but I gave him one last hug before we parted ways. As I went in the plane we waved fair well to each other. I promise I'll buy him a ticket to see his face Again.

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