Chat Blanc Part 2

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We all charged at him he either used his baton or tried destroying us we would go back and fourth but I'm surprised he can handle all four but I think I might know where the Akuma hit him."Guys come here" I shouted they ran fast "What's wrong and talk fast" Ladybug said "Ladybug can I a Take lead" she nods "Okay I'm going to need you guys to distract him from me so I can see where I think the Akuma hit him" they nodded and raced towards him.I go up on the building to get ready for my plan and once I get him he's dead meat for ruining my birthday kiss.They got him in the spot "WHERES LÈONA I HAVEN'T SEEN HER THIS WHOLE FIGHT" Chat yells "Keep your eyes on me Cat" Drago said as he used his dragon breathe it was pretty cool "DRAGON SCALES" as soon as he said his outfit turned colorful and he became twice as fast "Well at least I now have a challenge"Chat grinned. now all I have to do is find a way to get close to him once he's open hmm.Ayana and Ladybug just watch in amazement on how powerful he was.Dragon then knocks chat into a brick wall so I drop down and try to grab his bell but he grabs my hands and pushed me to a wall I landed on my feet as always "Lèona you know I would hate to hurt you but all I ask if hand over your miraculous and y/n" Chat demands with a sinister smile "Why do you need y/n" Jason says angrily "None of your business hot breathe" Chat says pretty annoyed "All I know is that shes with her boyfriend" I say kinda embarrassed "LIARER YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS NOW TELL ME OR I'LL HAVE TO USE DESTRUCTION ON YOU" he yelled which makes me flinch a little now went on top of me trying to take off necklace "LADYBUG,AYANA AND DRAGO" I yell "Got it" Lb and Ay go down while Drago runs to him "LUCKY CHARM" "SPIRT OF THE WOLF" "QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE" I push him off me and I see Ladybug with a rope and see Ayana grabbing one end of the rope and runn at Chat in full speed."LB WRAP THE OTHER END AROUND HIM" Ay yells and LB nods

~~After 4 minutes of trying to tie Chat down

"LET ME GO NOW I'LL KILL YOU ALL" Chat screams which I feel very bad "Sorry but we need to set your Akuma free before that" I could see drago look at me confused "A Akuma is a dark butterfly that That this person named hawkmoth creates.He creates them off of his victim negative energy and the butterflys fly into something someone holding or on them and they get consumed.Me,Ayana,Ladybug and supposed to be chat, fight the person with the Akuma and once we trap them ladybug purified the butterflies" I explain he nods and we turn back to Chat " Chat calm down you need to stop this" Ladybug says still panting."LET ME GO I NEED TO KILL HIM" we all look to each other "Jason" my heart stops for a second "Why would you want to kill him?" I ask "I-BEEP BEEP BEEP" I then check to see what the butterfly might be into.He then shakes the bell i grab it and break it the butterfly then flew out "TIME TO DE-EVILZE" I heard Ladybug shout and see Chat changing into his own self "Bye bye little butterfly Miraculous LADYBUG" Then everything went back to normal."Bye guys and Btw welcome to the team Drago" I say with a wink and jump down

~~15 minutes brought to you by Chat and Jason's ab contest ~~

I quietly sneak up to my balcony I hope no neighbors see me intrude to my own house as I open the door I transform back into my normal self and plop on my bed "Y/n" I hear Jason call me I pretend I'm sleep.I hear him come in*FLUFF AGAIN I'M NOT GOOD* "Aw my cute little y/n sleep I wish I could just kiss her up but I guess shes too tired  for kissing" I then quickly get up and tackle him "How you know I was taking" "I've known you for like ever so I should know by now" he said dramatically "What about that kissing thing you said" I asked well kind of pleading "a quick make out session then we sleep" he then turns around and grabs my waist I wrap my legs around him and he walks me over to my bed while we do let our lips part.Once we get in the bed he starts asking for entrance I decided to tease he then grabs my breast and that makes gasp he took that chance to go allround my mouth.He then started kissing me lower until my neck "J-Jason" I moaned he then kept sucking on that spot which started turning red he was about to rake off my shirt until we heard a knock "Shit" I heard Jason curse under his breathe "W-wait one minute" I shout to the person I quickly put on the T.V and started cuddling Jason "Come in" it was Luke and Connie "Happy birthday y/n!" They said while handing me a birthday cake with candles.My eyes lit up I never really got to celebrate with anyone for a while "Thanks guys your the best" I hug Luke and Connie and peck Jason's cheek "BLOW OUT YOUR CANDLES DORK" Connie yells with excitement  i blow out my candles in one blow "What you wish for" Luke asks "Well since my wish already happened I might as well my wish was that we all be together again" they awe and we all do a group. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER "We still have school in the morning and Y/n whats that red thing on your neck" Connie asks with a smirk.I blush so red I feel like steam is coming from my cheeks "w-well y-you LET'S GO TO BED SCHOOL IN THE MORNING" I kick them all put my room all I need to do is hide this Hickey.

Sorry it took so long writers block and I got sick😭😯😢 and S-schools starting again

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