Best friends Reunion

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~~yn pov~~

I was sitting down still crying until I heard a knock."W-w-Who is it"I say while wiping my tears away "Delivery" a strange mans voice ruffling through the door.thats weird the delivery man doesn't show up at my room so I grabbed a bat because I seen alot of scary movies and I'm not about to die"Okay coming " I move towards the door to open it and once I did a familiar boy was about to tackle me I swung the bat at his nuts..It was Jason ah shoot well he's not having kids."I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY !" I say crying while laughing a little "Thanks for the warm welcome" he's says sarcastically.I blush a little but hug him."Aww was da big mean man scarring you" I gasped it was Luke "WHY DID YOU GUYS BOTH CHANGE YOUR APPEARANCE" I yell while tackling Luke."Wow I get hit in the nuts with a Bat trying to hug and get you stuff to surprise you and he doesn't surprise you and gets a hug/tackle" Jason was pretending to cry "Well someone jelly and I said sorry btw why are you holding the stuff?"i say/question " Well Connie told us about the incident and how she almost killed him so I decided to get you chocolate,your(f/f),Jewelry,tissues and a movie" He says with a smile "Even tho this is off topic why did you both change your look without my permission!" I whined "I'm so sorry mom didn't think you care" Luke say sarcastically.I glare at him then pull out a picture

I glare at him then pull out a picture

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Jason before you left.Jason after (pic above) "well we decided that we went to change because You always said we  should change our hair color so we just changed all of it" Luke explained "Yup Connie had a hard time finding us at a Airport" Jason finishes. "BUT LUKE I LIKED YOUR RED HAIR AND JASON HOW DID YOU GET GOLD EYES WHEN IT'S BROWN" I yelled at confusion "Eye contacts" Two words he's so lucky I ain't upper cut him.I then go in my box and take something out

"Look at this Luke you were a Angle literally" I Whined"Where do you even find those pictures" Luke says

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"Look at this Luke you were a Angle literally" I Whined"Where do you even find those pictures" Luke says

"Look at this Luke you were a Angle literally" I Whined"Where do you even find those pictures" Luke says

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(Luke now)  "That means you don't have pictures of me" I say hurt. Jason then took out his phone and showed a picture

(The one with the light brown hair is you the one with the orange hair is Connie the boy with brown hair is Jason Pretend that the boy with black hair has red hair and he's Luke( "remember that picture we took it two days before I left" I say with...

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(The one with the light brown hair is you the one with the orange hair is Connie the boy with brown hair is Jason Pretend that the boy with black hair has red hair and he's Luke( "remember that picture we took it two days before I left" I say with sadness in my eyes but continued "How long are you staying"" About 5 months why" Jason says"I want to come with you back to (Y/h/t)" I say still looking at the picture "Are you sure I thought you wanted to stay here" Luke says with confusion "I miss home and plus I do don't think mom and dad would care there never home" There eyes sadden.I didn't want to see them saddened so I changed the subject "Where's Connie" i ask "Oh she said she had business to take care of" They said at same time.My eyes widen "She didn't that little bitc-" Jason covers my mouth"Where do you think she went" i sighed "Adrien's house to kill him" they grab there stuff and Jason holds my hand while running "We want to kill his ass too" Luke says with anger.Me and Jason stop and look at each other than Luke."What you think I can't cuss" Luke says innocently.My arua turns dark as I look at Jason "Mind explaining Jason" he looked Lifeless "How about another time we need to stop Connie before she literally kills the dude" he changes the subject so he doesn't die but he doesn't know I'm not as forgetful as him.We run to the car and quickly drive there ohh boy  she's gonna get it because she's messing with my Love life
"Burnnnnnnnn" y/n sings as me,Luke and Jason hear through the door.I already told them about what happened and I knew it would lighten her mood real fast if she saw them but I just can't get over on how he would Use her like that. You know what since I can't hit him I'm talking to him."Be right back guys I need to take care of some business don't tell y/n I'm gone until she brings my name up" they nod I transformed into spider man















Just kidding I turned to Aiyana and zoomed to Adrien's House don't ask why I know where he lives.I get there and I use my speed to go up the house and when I get there I see him CRYING his eyes out!?! He has no right to cry about this if he's the one that did it to y/n heart "knock knock" he lifts his head up I think he thought I was Y/n because we kinda look alike. Well he comes towards the window and opens it "Oh Connie it's you I didn't mean for things to happen like this I love y/n and when I heard her singing I felt like dying it hurted so much"I sat there emotionless how could he out of all people say that he's HURT  he gave her three weeks then cheated plus saying all that stuff in that dream I'm surprised she's not depressed yet.I stand up"You are a real jerk how could you say that, even though you may be sorry you don't know how it feels for her.y/n mom and dad don't really like her because she's a girl  they just leave for work no saying hi noting she got bullied most of her life too and she even told me that when you two were little she loved you because you were the only one that welcomed her but you GAVE HER THREE FREAKING WEEKS ADRIEN  AND YOU SAY YOUR SORRY" I could feel tears run down my cheek but continue "She my forgive you but she won't forget and you shouldn't say sorry to me anyway" I finish and walk to the window "And also if I hear your being rude to her ill have to chop you up to many pieces and feed you to cannibals" I say with a smile I then leave because I can feel him turning white as a  ghost. I then transform back to Connie I think he knows who I am now haha."WHY DID YOU COME HERE CONNIE DID YOU KILL HIM"I hear a girl yelling I turn to see y/n "First I came here to TALK to him about it and second I did not kill him...yet" I whisper the last part Jason and Luke are behind her "You guys are being too loud jeez" Jason complains and Luke agrees."Let's all get Ice cream and watch scary movies " they then look at eachother and nod.We should go somewhere tomorrow hmmm.

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