Chapter 10 part 1 Darkblade

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A/n I'm skipping all the way to episode 12

-Morning y/n pov--

"I'm finally done" I say happily while smiling at my creation. "What is that your holding Y/n?" Rudo asks. "This is my magical box"I say excited. "whats it for and why do you need it?" He wondered." Its to lock up my diary and all my deepest darkest secrets in it" I exclaim. "every little secret?" Rudo paused then started to freak out" Your telling me you write every little secret down in that THING?!?!?" "Uhhh yea why wouldn't I is there something wrong?" I said kinda annoyed because he yelled in my ear."Well for one what if someone find out your Leona and two WHAT IF SOMEONE FOUND OUT YOUR LEONA!" He yelled at me. I was about to yell back but he's worrying about my safety and I couldn't do that. "UH not gonna happen try it Rudo" I say confidently. Once I said that he tried taking my diary but it would budge. The box started closing as Rudo was stuck in there "HEYYY" he squeaked as he was in there "It works" I cheered to myself while opening the box for Rudo. I start to hear my T.V go on and I see no other then the queen bee herself..Chloe I listen to the T.V "BLAH BLAH BLAH Mr.Bourgeois was reelected as Mayor BLAH BLAH BLAH CHLOE " Ughh look at Chloe acting like she were the mayor of Paris!" I complained.I shot up from my sorrow and remembered "Oh which reminds me someone one said about yesterday about class representative are tomorrow!" "whats so bad about that"Rudo questioned. "They said CHLOE'S running for class rep the one person who cares the least about the students and the most about herself I know so far" I mumbled "Well maybe you should run" he looked a little worried. "I totally would but you think i got enough to do with my duties as Leona and all my schoolwork" I softly said. Rudo shot back "Yess but if you truly believe in something you have to try and make it work.. Its better to fail trying then to no have try at all" i narrowed my eyes "maybe" Rudo continued "Don't underestimate yourself Y/n" He said proudly.T he T.V started coming on again "BLAH BLAH fencing instructor (I dont know how to spell his name) Fumbled in the polls in fact BLAH BLAH BLAH inquired the least amount of Paris histor-OH MAH GLOB I'M FREAKING LATE TO SCHOOL I started putting my stuff away and grab my f/c backpack and rush out the door

--School Marinette pov--

"Chloe is running for class representative position and Sabrina will be her deputy do we have any other candidates?" the teacher say I groan but I start to see Kim's hand go up but see CHLOE AND SABRINA giving him a dirty look so he puts his hand down.UGHH I REALLY DISLIKE THEM THAT I MIGHT EVEN RUN FOR IT MYSELF. but then again I need to be Ladybug but Tiki did say I should do what my heart believes in but I'm still not sure.Just then Y/n walks in I hope she runs she would be a good leader too!.

--Y/n pov--

I run in the class and everybody's seated "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I JUST HAD UHH MY MOM - OHH *cough* *cough D-DRY ThRoAt" I try to make a excuse while blushing my head off. I sit down next to Alya AND Mari "do you know Chloe's running again and shes been class rep since kindergarten" Alya says to me. Mari then says with excitement " Y/n why don't you run as rep and Alya run for deputy you both would be awesome!" Alya says with disappointment in her voice "No can do my blog is a full time job" I whisper "I don't know if I can do that" " ALL right ill give all of you till the end of lunch to decide if you like to be a candidate" The teacher Announced.


I see Chloe yelling at Kim and stomping to the next person.That made my skin boil when she did that. I then went over to Kim and looked at him and said "so.. what did Chloe say to you Did she offer to go on a date with you?" Kim then said with a little sass in his tone"No she threatened to tell everyone I'm afraid of spiders" I was shocked that she would go this low just to win.I then went up to Rose and she confessed "Chloe told me that if I run for the election she will kick me out of the scrap booking club and everybody knows how much I LOVEE all those stickers,colorful scrap paper and gluing!" I then went to Alex and she answered "I couldn't care less about being a candidate and what your excuse?" I started getting a little red from the question "well I-uh-im really busy" I see visuals in my head of why I'm busy. Then Marinette and Alay come out of no where like magic and say in usion "With what oversleeping" they start giggling at each other. i freak out "Well no but-uh-i guess i would be run If no one else did" I say the last words softly.


"So would anyone like to run as candidate to run against Chloe and Sabrina" they have a smirk on there face ill sure knock it right off of them I look at Kim which he looks at me then turns away.HOW COULD HE BE SCARED OF A GIRL then I turn to Rose which SHE HAS A FREAKING BOOK OVER HER HEAD . "given that Chloe and Sabrina are the only candidates there's no point in voting so Chloe and Sabrina I have to do something I can't believe I'm doing this.."ILL RUN" Everybody looks at me in shock but they look glad too "wonderful You'll need to develop your campaign and a speech ready by tomorrow well have have the vote then"

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