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A/n: Okay so for the person that's Akumatized they are going to be my Oc so there not apart of the Miraculous Lady series and p.s someones going to die T-T also its a long chapter bc i havent been posting lately

also don't play the song till you see this *

~~??? pov~~

Why is everyone Talking  to my Y/n~Senpai like there hers Hmph shes mine well she said it anyways I just have to make her mine no matter what it ta-"WATCH IT LOSER" she did not "S-sorry i-i didn't s-see you" damn my stuttering "YEA I BET YOU DIDN'T HOW ABOUT YOU LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME" a girl with blonde hair and blue yelled now a whole group was forming and Senpai was looking at me too."Are you going to say something or are you 'too' scared to say anything" people started laughing I looked back at the blonde girl and her smile was a sinister i can't let her embarrass me infront of y/n "W-well-""Leave her alone Chloe or ill get the teacher" I hear that anglic voice I love,Y/n. "Yea whatever you're lucky that hoe's here or you would have been 6 feet under" Chloe says with that same sinister smirk on her face then walks away. "Are you okay" Y/n says with a soft smile I blush and nod "W-W-what about y-y-you are you o-o-okay?" I blush even more for all this stuttering she grins and nods "My names Y/n whats yours" she does a questioning look "H-Hope" "Well nice to meet you Hope, let's be friends okay!" She then walked off with her group.I now know why i'm Alive for i have to kill for her to win her heart

*This is what Hope looks like*V

*This is what Hope looks like*V

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~~y/n pov~~

"Well nice to meet you Hope,let's be friends okay!" as soon as I said that i walked off but i kinda felt this weird vibe around her but i'm weird too so it can't be that bad.Jason and Connie were looking at me with a 'Do you have a weird vibe with her and were not totally crazy so we don't spend the rest of our lives in a house with 102 cats and dogs' look while Adrien was just plain up looking at me like i was his girl/honey boo boo/sugar muffin/Honey cakes/booger face (imma stop .-.)   I nod at them and just smile at Adrien  he then started blushing oou brother

~~to class~~

I find Hope the earliest out of all of us reading a book "Oh Hey Hopee" she turned from that book and looked at us "H-Hi" she whispered but i could hear.I went up to her and whispered in her ear " I know you're scared or just really but would you want to hang out with me...and my friends" I hope she accepts because she looks really nice.I then hear her mumbling to herself  about senpai then she looked at me and nodded I did a eye closed smile at her then walked away "Guys we got a new member in da group " i say with jazz hands "I don't know y/n there's something about her that makes me feel i don't"Jason whispered at the group Adrien,Connie,Nino and Jackson  agreed."okay you have a point but at least give her a try and if you still don't like her she can just leave okay " I whispered back . they all slowly agreed "Good" the rest of the class is now here and the teacher just walked in "Sorry i'm late well lets begin class"

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