Y/n Past

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~~your mom pov~~
"Aahhhh" I say while pushing "You did good honey"My dearest husband says while smiling." WHAAAAAA" I hear a annoying sound "What's that yelling" I ask "It's you baby miss y/l/n" One of the nurses say "Is it a boy or a girl" I kinda wanted a girl but mostly a boy and I know y/d/n didn't want a girl."It's a girl miss " she said shyly "I dont want it change it to a boy"I say Angry" Unfortunately we can't do that miss you could put her up adoption and buy a boy"She suggests."No I guess this thing will do if not we'll make it work" my husband says with a serious voice. I guess because every already knows we have a kid

~~At the house~~
"Hello baby can you talk?" I say curious"Wabahagoo"she says with big e/c eyes.I guess your kinda cute"wahhhhh" she starts crying "What do we do?" I turn to my husband "I don't know slap her" I turn to her and slap her. She crys even louder "Feed her?" He suggests "With what?" "Watch a video about it" "Okay" I watch a video pull my shirt down and feed her.I think I got this baby thing down

~~2 months later~~
She started walking but no talking weird "Say mama" I say to her which she turns around and trys"Makbyhua" at least she has Ma down"Say papa" "Poghfsa" her eyes turn big and smiles while she puts her hand up (like the picture above) "Say mama" I smile while getting up"M-M-Mama"my eyes become big top."you said mama" I laugh and carry her to her room."now go to sleep "

~~Three years in pov~~
"Mama Papa I lost loca" I say while crying"how could you lose Loca we got her in Japan and she's very rare Lion look around the whole house NOW" papa yelled at me I nodded "Loca,Loca where are you" I yelled but no response sad. Mom and dad are going to be mad at me "Is this what what your looking for" a very young voice behind me said.I turned around the see it was a young boy my age but he had LOCA "This is mine, it's my Loca" He gave it to me "Thank you sir may I ask your name?" "My name is Jason im 3 about to be four" "Really me too well my name is Y/n want to be my friend" I say with a toothy grin."Mhmm" he say with a toothy grin too"JASON COME FOR DINNER " I could hear a older women call "Sorry my maid is kinda loud but see you later" he winks and runs away.I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"MAMA PAPA LOOK WHAT I FOUND" I say excited "Stop talking you useless kid" my dad said as he was working but my mom whispered "Good job" and smiled "Thanks mama" I whispered back.

~~Two years later~~

"First day of school" I say excited to myself I hope I can make friends. My driver grabs my backpack and helps me out the car I hold my Lion like there's no tomorrow because people are looking at me weird well all the girls. I went to my class and introduced myself "Hello my name is y/n y/l/n and RJ is is Luca I hope we can be friends" I say with a smile.

 I went to my class and introduced myself "Hello my name is y/n y/l/n and RJ is is Luca I hope we can be friends" I say with a smile

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(Pretend that the bunny and a Lion)

I sit by a boy named Jason "Hello again Jason" I wave.He smiles and say"Hello again y/n" I get a lot a glares from girls I think they like him I put my face down about to cry

He smiles and say"Hello again y/n" I get a lot a glares from girls I think they like him I put my face down about to cry

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