Sleepover part 3

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I woke up and everybody was still sleep hehe Im going to surprise them.I grab some whip cream and put it on all there hands even my boyfriends and go downstairs to make pancakes. Once im done i yell for them "WAKE YOUR ASSES UP OR NO PANCAKES" I heard people getting up and screaming I laughed my ass off.They start to come down angry as hell they all gave me a Ill get​ you back look except Adrian he just smirked while there faces are still covered in whip cream. I gave them there pancakes and we started eating and out of no where I shouted "UGHH WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO BE A COUPLE" they all had red faces and Mari alya and Connie were on the verge of killing me I continued" you guys obviously like each other so why not" I wink all three of them were a blushing mess and coming for me I ran up stairs"Just so you know get ready losers were going to da pool" and run off while there still running after me.

"Do you guys like them" i say in curiosity they slowly nod while blushing i continue "Why don't you guys tell them you might not get the chance again" they look and nod again "How about you guy tell them now" we start walking up there and we hear all four of them singing

I've been hearing symphonies before all i heard was silence

A Rhapsody for you and me and every melody is timeless

They say, "No, don't pick up the phone, let them think there's nobody home but im under your spell

Cause when you call my heart starts to roll, I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell

And now your song is in repeat and dancing on to your heartbeat

And when your gone I feel incomplete but if you want the truth

I-------Cant quit you

I-------Cant quit you

I-------Cant quit you

I--------Cant quit you

Will you hold me tight and not let go?

(Mari and Y/n)
I just want to be part of your symphony

(Alya and Connie)
Yeah im going to regret it×2

(Mari and Y/n
Will you hd me tight and not let go?


(Alya and Connie)
Im gonna  regret it
Yeah im gonna regret it

Like a love song on the radio

And we stop here so we can go to the pool

"Are you ready in there we still need to change" i say but im sill so shocked they could sing like that but i knew y/n could sing but dang. "Yea were ready now don't be peeping toms now" she says sarcastically but they come out right after.

 "Yea were ready now don't be peeping toms now" she says sarcastically but they come out right after

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Alya in pink ,White and blue bikini and a Mari in a red and white one

I think Connie just came out the shower because she was all wet i looked at the boys and they were blushing mad when looking at the girls

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I think Connie just came out the shower because she was all wet i looked at the boys and they were blushing mad when looking at the girls. "Here i come hah" y/n say as she jumps in a sneak attack to my arms

"How do I look Adrian?" she says with a water gun i knew i was blushing really red "You look perfect y/n!" i then hear a few awws and we walk to her limo "Where going on a private pool with water parks but don't worry we'll be back on time!" y/n e...

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"How do I look Adrian?" she says with a water gun i knew i was blushing really red "You look perfect y/n!" i then hear a few awws and we walk to her limo "Where going on a private pool with water parks but don't worry we'll be back on time!" y/n explains. "Im so excited " Mari jumps up and down like a kid is kinda cute NO Adrian your in love with Y/n don't fall for Mari.

--The park/pool--
"YOU WERE RIGHT THERE IS WATER SLIDE" Alya and Mari say in usion.Me and y/n go to a slide by ourselves and start kissing while on it then turn back to having fun.We were sliding down to meet everybody but my hands accidentally grabs her string and her top fell off and and everyone​ e had a nose bleed even I did "ADRIAN GRAB MY TOP ITS FLOATING AWAY" she said that while Alya,Mari and Connie were protecting her.The boys were so red and it made me a little mad I grabbed it and quickly gave it back to her."Are you done yet y/n" Connie questions "Yeah im done...Can we please forget the whole thing" she says in embarrassment.

We went to the limo and drove everybody home one by one we then reached Adrian's house and he stepped out the car "Adrian im sorry for yelling at you i just was so shoc-"He kiss me and  I was  shocked at first but then melted into it "Don't worry about it but the next time they see something that's not supposed to seen ill be mad" he jokes playfully I laugh and whisper to his ear " Bye my little kitty"I walk off to the limo but​ before I go on I air kiss him. "Oooo kitty so classic and Im hungry Rudo  say "Do you know that Mari likes Nathaniel and Adrian i heard her whisper to herself" I stay silent for the rest car ride grab food and head straight to bed.He wouldn't cheat on me we just found eachother.I start to doze off and my last memories before I sleep is Char leaving​ me.

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