Haunted house part 2

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As we walk in I could feel a drip of sweat running down my face "Don't worry y/n its just a house if you do get captured ill save you ....Later" Connie says in a heroic tone -.- "Thank you so much that made me feel great"i said in a sarcastic tone "Anyway guys what are we even in here for?" Luke questioned "Were trying to find the key to get out we have 3 flashlights so we should go in two group to make it easier" Jason explained then out of no where Connie,Jason and Adrien "I'M GOING WITH Y/N" i was just about to pick Jason but then i thought of this morning again and i realized I could make him jelly >:3 "Hmmmmm,ill just pick Adrien  come on" I could tell under the darkness he was blushing a little bit "I also think Connie should go with Jackson" Now I could tell she was blushing red not even red scarlet red."Fine lets just go" he grabbed a flashlight he gave one to Connie and threw one at me thank goodness i caught it before hand.We started going our separate  ways and started finding the key but then all of a sudden "Hey y/n" Adrien said "Yeah"  "Why did you pick me because I thought you hated me " he questioned "I picked you because I actually wanted to restart with you i wanted to be friends so you don't think that way" I answered " But i did something wrong that i can't take back i hurt you so much" then out of no where I started to hear little sobs "Don't cry Adrien every one needs a second chance" "I know but i'm not crying " then A little girls figure shows up "Mommy,Daddy where are you " she looked pretty normal except she was a little bit pale.She then walks up to us "MOMMY ,DADDY I FOUND YOU" the little girl shouted with joy.I looked at Adrien and he looked at with with a I don't know.the little girl then started to cry "Are you not my mommy and daddy say something"  I look at the girl she did have pretty h/c  and and pretty green eyes  WAIT she looked like me and Adrien "Adrien she looks just like us like BOTH of us combined" after i said that we both started blushing red."So are you my mommy and daddy?" the little girl said I gave him one more look but a nod he took his time but nodded back we then said ant the same time "yes we are your parents" her tears turned into joy "YAY let's go mommy and daddy" "Before we go to find something can you please tell us your name " i asked her "Oh its Lily" she smiled.she grabbed our hands then started in the next room "So mom and dad where have you two been I looked for you for ever"Lily said a little more serious. I could feel the room get  a little more tensed "I'm sorry we were just busy" "Oh okay well lets go find that key" Lily cheered "Okay"We both agreed.WAIT how did she know we were looking for a key. All three of us looked in about 5 rooms there were scary stuff we jumped,screamed and fainted but we still kept going "I'm tired" Lily announced while yawning "Okay go on Your Dad's back" I said as I put her on his back after we were done with this room we looked in the last room.We looked for about 10 minutes but then i heard "I FOUND THE KEY" i turned to Adrien and he was shining with happiness and as soon as he said that I hugged him "finally you found it" Lily said I stopped hugging him and looked on his back she wasn't there."I'm right here" we then saw her FLOATING she giggled "Thank you so much for playing with me but its time to go to my mommy and daddy" Then out of nowhere two tall figures come out. It was very familiar  figure "Thank you so much for helping our daughter  we will return your friends once you all leave but please never come back until you learn about this house first" the woman smiles "Whats your names?" Adrien shouts ,wind then starts blowing "ADRIEN AND Y/N" they shouted back louder then disappeared .Me and Adrien stood there in shock i gave him a 'Was that real' look and he gave the same look "Lets come back here again, promise" Adrien said out of the blue " Yes we must or we wont meet Lily again" I agreed.He then came up to me and kissed me at first i was shocked but then somehow.....I melted into it. after 5 minutes we stopped and blushing red "L-Let's g-go find t-the others" I tried saying "Yeah we should" we then walked hand in hand to try and find them I kinda missed his lip now >,<   

~~Time skipped~~

We were walking back and guess who we see Connie and Jackson Kissing ! and he just gave her a huge hickey hehehe lucky for me i was recording and Adrien was just straight up blushing  "Nice to see that you're a couple" I giggled they slowly froze and looked at us "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" Connie Yelled trying to defend it  "Ye okay" me and Adrien  did a Lenny face . "Well we will just go look for Luke and Jason then have fun I guess" Adrien smirked "YES,I mean Nooooo were coming" Connie says all three of us laughed but they both stopped laughing when we heard a familiar scream "I think i know where Luke is" I stated 

~~another time skip~~

after walking 5 minutes to where the scream was from we saw Luke curled up and Jason smiling."WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND?" Me and Connie yelled.Then out of no where Jason came closer and we all started freaking out "G-GET AWAY J-J-JASON" I cried his smile turned sinister "IF YOU DON'T STOP I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU"I screamed i had enough.I then notice dark clouds in his eyes like something's blocking his vision I had to get him out "Guys that's not really Jason,I want you guys to get Luke and Wait at the end" They nodded but Adrien was a little shocked i then give him a 'I got this look' he nodded and ran with the other two "Jason please come back and who ever's in Jason GET THE FUCK OUT I-If you don't ill K-kill Y-You" i felt like i was in a horror movie this couldn't be real and if it was how am i still alive. Jason kept coming closer with a knife in his hand oooouu I'm having guts.I walk up to him,grab him by his shirt and kiss him but honestly I felt dirty for doing this i could bearly look at him but as soon as i did his clouds were gone "What happend" "Nothing the others are waiting let's go" "O-Okay"


We all got out finally and everyong that was trapped got out too wayyy before us "WHERE WERE YOU YOU GUYS WERE IN THERE FOR 4 hours"Mrs.Jones yells "4 HOURS" we all say "Yes now lets leave before i'm dead meat by the school " she quickly said.We nodded and went on the bus "I could never go there again what about you y/n" Connie sighed  "Sorry but i made a promise that I need to keep" i smiled and she looked at me confuzzeld "It's a long story tell you later" i winked then went to sleep

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