Chapter 12 part 3 Darkblade

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--Adrian pov--

As soon I was done changing from my fencing outfit I went outside to see if he was okay.I saw someone had been akumatized "Whoa that some mid evil madness"Plag said in surprised.I went inside the building and yelled "PLAG CLAWS OUT" and turned into the smexy Chat Noir.I watched as he kept turning people into his servants I had to step in.I went down and said "The people had there say and they chose Mr.Bourgeois over you DarshiCore he shot right back at me " Thy people matter not me DarshiCore was defeated NOT Darkblade On guard!" We rush towards each other ooh this is going to be fun.

--Sabrina pov--

"Chloe I finally found her room but what am I looking for exactly?" I ask her "Anything as long as it's totally embarrassing" she says I look around hmm ohh I have the same hat "What about a ball of yarn...Or a screwdriver or" i was cut off by Chloe "of course not ding bag like a disgusting photo of her or a really wacky piece of clothing dig around!" I keep looking till something catches my eye "I know what about her diary!" I say excited "Wow you can actually accomplish something when you put MY mind to it" she says harshly. I was about to look in it when it closed on me. m-my hand was stuck I dropped my phone while trying  to get it off I heard Chloe calling my name but I didn't care.

--Y/n pov--

I was running with Connie in the party I then see a Chloe's dad and Chloe next to my inspiration and alot of my friends where here I felt a little hurt tbh I hear her dad babbling while Chloe's moving her hands ew. He didn't look happy like he was forced I then see them High five one another everyone looked amazed Then I hear Chloe say"If you vote for me you'll get free tickets to jagged next concert" I see Alya and Marinette in line to get one too.I felt really hurt that I could cry but ill just hold back.They then walk to me not knowing im there because there so focused on the autograph they looked up and saw me and Connie. Connie looked confused because she never heard of him like how can you not. I say a little said but harshly "So you got an autograph?!" they did a shush sign and pushed us over Alya and Marinette said in usion we got you one too"They gave one to me and Connie I gasped and was about to take it but declined "Nope not falling for it.. But ill consider forgiving you if you vote for me" they smiled and nodded "Of course we would"

--Chat Noir pov--
We start to fight and he did the freaking same move and took my baton away "How did I not see this coming" "Take him" he said as his army was coming for me. I only had one option..Jump i start to fall and they look down but "Darkblade" said "Nearly a minute to be wasted city hall awaits!" city hall huh you'll go first ill catch up with ya

--Sabrina pov--

I got yelled at by Chloe for taking to long "You better have got her dairy" she says in a threatening​ tone "well I did " I say as I take out the dairy box stuck on my hand.She turns me around and whisper shouts"What is that?!" i whisper at her "Well as I was about to grab the diary the box just shut on my hand and now it wont come off"she talks in her regular voice "And how am I suppose to believe that?!? Uhh why do I bother" me and Chloe look over to y/n find out shes saying.

--Y/n pov--

"You guys are being bribed concert tickets are awesome but there not going to solve school problems" I say with confidence "Then what's your campaign then Y/n?" Nathaniel asks "Well ill-uhh I think  cushions are better than buying chairs" I say and whisper in Rose's ear "And yours can be as pink as you want!" her face lits up I continue "And ill see about listening to music at the library through heads Ni- "Re- mark- able you actually sound like a class rep to bad you don't have a chance in winning...A word"she whispers the last part in my ear I grunt but notice  my diary box in Sabrina's hand Chloe then says "if you don't pull out the race all your secrets will be spilled" Im shocked that they will go this low "Noo i mean Wat secrets I have zero"
I say even tho that's the biggest lie I made "Haha well we will find out as soon as its open with a Chainsaw" out of no where go horns start blaring out me,marinette and Connie took a peak out the door  and saw.. Knights?! Then I saw one that stood out the most and he said"Listen or be in prison"That's all I heard until Chloe's dad say what did he say"Alya then exclaimed"That means he's going to bust you up" he then said "uhh ask my Secretary for a appointment"He closed the doors really fast and after that we started hearing faint noises that we knew.
I looked out the window and saw Chat fighting the knights then out of no where they tackled him "ooo chat noir hurry" chat defeated all of them in one blow Then another one comes in but its the leader!? Then i see jagged stone going out side like he was crazy.It was funny tho they were coming closer and we shut the doors as jagged stones got transformed. "What are we going to do chole"Roes says wanting​ a answers "you'll have to wait until tomorrow" "we cant wait till tomorrow" Rose argued "Well to bad"I run upstairs to talk to Rudo "we need to talk" what are we going to do y/n"Rudo says "I don't know because Chat noir needs Léona but the class needs me too" I say while pacing "Trust yourself okay Y/n" I just think to myself.. Wait I can be both I run down stairs and say "Kim and Ivan lock up all the doors and windows quickly! And Nino,Julika,Connie,Rose,Mylene and Alya come with me" "Nice going gurl"

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