Chapter 9

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--No ones  pov--

"Do you like them both" Connie questioned Y/n "I don't even know them and the new boy w-w-winked at me" Y/n said while blushing a little. "Aww my little Y/n is blushing" Connie whined in a baby voice "Fite meh" Y/n said which made them laugh and hug (like the picture up there). "Hey let's go to lunch okay before it's over because and I don't want to be in this bath room any more" Connie  as they settled down. "LUNCH HERE I COME" Y/n said as she was running to the lunch room.Y/n then ran into someone and fell on her butt.

--Y/n pov--

"I'm sorry for running into you" I apologized as I saw the person reaching for my hand of course I grabbed it. "Me to I need to start watching where i'm going" the boy chuckled. I looked to see who I was talking to and it was Adrian "No no I was running into you I wasn't watching where I was going i'm so so so sorry" He chuckled and said "hey how about you and your friend sit with me and my friends" I quickly said "O-O-Okay" Connie whispered in my ear "Real smooth" I blushed red like if me and Yona's hair from Yona of the dawn had a contest I would win. Well when we got there and I saw Marinette, Alya,The boy with the red hat and the new boy.They looked at me and Connie  we waved at them. Adrian then said "Y/n and Connie these are my friends Alya, Marinette ,Nino and Justin" Me and Connie smiled and said hi. I sat down next to Justin and Marinette  while Connie sat next to Alya and Nino. I then spoke "Hey do you guys all want to have a sleepover" everyone said sure except Marinette . Alya then said "Whats wrong Mari" Marinette then Questioned " what about your parents?" I quickly Told them"There almost never at the house because of the movie there making "Justin then said "So Mari are you coming " Mari replied quickly "Duh i love sleepovers " they all smiled and then that's when that DAMN bell rang just when I was about  to tell them  when and where it was. I hope there in my next class. Connie walked ahead of me which I didn't understand but just let it happen. Adrian... I feel like I know him but I cant put my finger on it  oh well.

--Adrian pov--

I felt like I knew Y/n but couldn't put my finger on it. She is pretty interesting and pretty.When I looked in her e/c eyes I felt like I couldn't look away like it was a s-spell Did I fall for this new girl Ughhh so confusing but i also like Leona. I was lost in thought that's when Nino pinched me and said "Are okay dude you just stopped walking  for no reason" "Oh yea I was just thinking of y-I mean THE SLEEPOVER yea the sleepover and thinking of what I should wear" He gave me the okay "Sureee" look Ill come over to your house tomorrow to help you pick then" "Thanks Nino I can always count on you" I said with a smile "sure dude that's what bros are for" he said as we gave each other hive fives.

--Nino pov--

I know something is wrong because he was blushing all through the class and when we were talking about the sleepover we was blushing even more I think he likes one of the girls going. I hope he doesn't like Alya because I have a crush on her I should go ask him. I hit him softly and whispered so no one would here "Do you like one of the girls going to the sleepover" He looked at me and blushed really hard "well yea but don't tell okay" I felt a little nervous but nodded .He continued"I think I like Y/n"" THANK GOD" I yelled and the teacher told me to be quite or ill go to the office I apologized aww man i'm so happy that I cant wait till the sleepover.

--Nighttime y/n pov--

Thank goodness no akuma attack today. I hope its more like this every day but I know that's a lie well i should get some sleep so I don't be late to school again that teacher must think i'm always late but i wouldn't blame her.OH SHOOT I FORGOT TO TELL THEM ABOUT THE SLEEPOVER. Eh   ill just tell them  tomorrow. i sure do talk a lot in my head don't I?

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