chapter 3

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--Y/N P.O.V--

"Finally I can breathe" I say happily "No wonder those girls kept asking about your voice and your parents"Rudo said kinda loud "Rudo don't talk in public you'll make me look crazy, so please keep quite and I'll feed you a lot of meat" I said because I don't when he's hungry or just plain rude. He was silent and I knew it was for the meat >.< .

I looked around and texted my only friend back home, not Jason tho but my BFFL Connie. She likes me even tho I'm rich, I don't like saying that word so I avoid. it well she said that she's going to come to Paris soon and I'm so happy to hear that. I start doing a little dance when I thought no one was around

--Chatnoirs P.O V--

There was this strange girl and she was doing a really weird dance, she looks  pretty cool tho. I think shes new tho so I think I should pay her a visit

--Y/N P.O.V--

When I was finished my happy dance I turned around to find two green electric emerald eyes meeting my (e/c) eye.
It looked like we were staring in eachothers eyes forever then I spoke up  "I'm sorry sir or young man I didn't mean to like, I was doing a weird dance and you probably thought I was crazy, BUT IM NOT CRAZY. I was just glad I made it to Paris and I'm so so so sorry for the inconvenience"

I blushed out of embarrassment and before he could speak I dashed out of there. I was screaming in my head and thinking of my life choices. When I looked over he wasn't there and I was kinda relieved but my hopes just got worse, he was right in front of me AGAIN!

--Chat noirs P.O.V

when I looked into her beautiful (e/c) eyes I was hypnotized. She was a lot more prettier than lady bug, wait what am I saying I don't even know her, but she does have a very good bust size. (sorry if you're flat chested I have noting wrong with them either) She started mumbling and when I heard her talk I felt like she was an angel coming from the sky.

my ring starts beeping and it has 3 paws left, that's Unfurtunate but when I looked up and she blasted off I used my staff to get close to her again and she looked at me again, shocked. I finally talk "Hey princess I was wondering if you were lost? Because if you are I could help you g-g-get to your home" she had a big grin on her face like she had something good she said "first I'm not YOUR princess but I really do need some help getting to my place can you help me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows  "okay" I looked away because I was blushing red. I held her bridal style once she gave me her address I hopped from building to building until I saw her home. holy Shiznits her house big

 holy Shiznits her house big

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--y/n P.O.V
(This is the outside of your house and you live right next to a famous model boyy)
"Thanks for the trip I really appreciate it so much and I'm sorry if we got off on a bad start, I'm Y/n,L/n I hope we can be friends" I gave him a smile and he looked a me, surprised "You mean Y-y/n,L-l/n As in your mom is a actor and dad director!?!" "Yea" I started to lower my eyebrows he knew something was up.

"I was just kidding princess I think you're purrfect the way you are " he smirks "did you just do a cat pun" "I say as I laugh "That was pawsitively pawsome" I say he shoots back "Unfurtunate I already used those" "you're lion" I say and we both laugh then he say "well since your good with puns I'll let you know my name" he says flirty "its" he comes closer to me as I gently blush he continues "Chat" about to kiss and I'm blushing dark red now but then goes to the ear and yells "NOIR AND DON'T WEAR IT OUT " I was about to hit him but he ran away UGHHH when I see him again I'll hit him for sure. well I don't care I needed to sleep. Tomorrows a big day... wait a minute Where's Rudo AGAIN!??"

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