Chapter 13

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You have and a group chat

Y:Hey guys are you still coming to the sleepover  tomorrow

A:For sure

C:I have to go

M:Of course

Al:why wouldn't I

N:why not!

N:duh dudette

J:If your there yes

Y:Cant waait bring sleeping bags and a swim suit :)


End of chat

Im bored I should make airplanes I wonder if someone ever picked them up last time I was here

~Flashback to when your 10~

"Mom,dad want to make airplanes with me"  "CANT YOU SEE WHERE BUSY" "S-s-sorry I i bothered you" I start to make airplanes while crying but I want someone to find them so I wrote messages on them and alway sing a tone to calm me down.

~End of Flash Back~

Maybe I should do it again because he/she might read them again

--Chats pov--

As I was patrolling I wanted to go to Y/n house because Léona did give me her address to to talk to her wonder why.As I come closer I hear Y/n humming while writing something down and makes it to a paper airplane..Wait I think I heard this melody before when I was little I should go closer to find out .I know for sure this is Y/n that girl from 5 years ago?

--Your pov--

I Take my notebook out

Tear the pages out

To write down my thoughts in a message

I encrypt every line

As the people pass in the streets below

I smooth out and fold up the edges

Then hold them up against the sky

Then hold them up against the sky

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And I let'em go

Hope you find each word I wrote

On these paper planes scattered in the air

Oh I said them off cause I know you're out there

And I picture you discovering

Each note all the others stepped over

Cause you're the kind that finds the clues

And you know everyone was meant for you

Since you got the secret decoder

they'll lead you to me soon

So I let'em go

Hope you find each word I wrote

On These paper plane scattered in the air

Oh I send them out cause I know you're out there

Oh I'll know you'll see the heart beneath each line you read

So I let'em go

Hope you find each word I wrote

On these Paper Planes scattered in the air

Oh I send them off cause I know you're out there

I take off my head phones and im shocked when I hear clapping


-Chat noir--

I was clapping after but it was her how could I be so stupid I should of know by her features well it has been 5 years.  I was going to tell her I was the boy that picked up all the notes and listened to her until I saw her face

She looked at me and quickly wiped her tears away "What's a puretty girl like you crying because I pawfere if you didn't" i say with a smile "Oh hi Chat what are you doing here" she says with a fake smile

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She looked at me and quickly wiped her tears away "What's a puretty girl like you crying because I pawfere if you didn't" i say with a smile "Oh hi Chat what are you doing here" she says with a fake smile.I frown " I was on Patrol and had extra time so decided to come here" "Oh okay that's nice but why here?" she said sightly frowning "Because I heard a song that sounded so familiar" I say grinning. "Wait I only sung that song when i was 10 and to one person" I think shes remember BEEP BEEP" guess you have to find out another time" I say with a wink"Yea okay" she whispers while blushing.I jump out the window back to my house.

--Y/n Dream--
~Flash back~

"Hey h/c hair miss are these yours?" the random boy said "Im not that old to be called "miss" im only 10" I say harshly
"Im sorry here lets start over,Princess are these your notes"he says innocent "Those are mine Prince but you found them so there yours" I smile "Your hand writing is beautiful for a 10 year old princess  my Name is Adrian and im 10 too may I ask your name" Prince Adrian my name is Y/n don't forget okay" I wink "I promise but will you be my Princess Y/n?" Adrian says while blushing "W-w-well I did say in the n-notes if you found all of them Ill be y-yours so,Prince Adrian I will" I say while blushing really red "Okay then come down so we can play Princess" he insisted "Well todays my last day here and my parents don't want me to leave but ill sneak for my prince" I whispered. He was blushing like crazy we played all day until my mom and dad found me "I guess I got to go it was fun but don't forget me okay ill come back remember the song and notes" i say with tears in my eyes

-End of Dream--

"I REMEMBER ADRIAN IT'S ADRIAN HES THE ONE" I yell and Connie and Toffee  rush in my room "Are you okay!?!" Connie says in confusion "Remember when I told you about when me and my family were visiting Paris and the boy I met... Well he was Adrian!" I explained What!? Connie,Toffee​ and Rudo said in even more shock. Ill talk to him about it later but for now lets work on the sleepover.

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