Singing Contest part 2

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"Are you guys ready?" The teacher asked "Yes we are" I look at Luke and he gives me a nod I smile and we start

"Are you guys ready?" The teacher asked "Yes we are" I look at Luke and he gives me a nod I smile and we start

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he then went up to me and kissed me on my cheek and smiled as we walked off the stage. I was blushing a little because it was a friendly kiss on the cheek. Next were me and Adrien I think he knows why I chose this song "Are you ready you two" we look at each other and nod

 Next were me and Adrien I think he knows why I chose this song "Are you ready you two" we look at each other and nod

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"I still ship it" I heard a girl whisper "No I ship Jason with her!" "well who ever gets her first gets her" IM NOT A PRIZE. We walk off stage "Hey y/n can we still go on a' Get to know you' date ?" I look at him and nod "Okay ill pick you up tomorrow" he walks away into the crowd. Lastly the flirt of all flirts even flirtier than Chat and that's means he's a REALLY BIG flirt.  "Hey y/n can I have my kiss now instead of after" he smirked "No like Luke did you can have one on the cheek" I say bluntly "The hell I wont" he mumbled "What" "Noting lets get on stage and sing like old times" we smile at each other and melt in the melody 

  "Hey y/n can I have my kiss now instead of after" he smirked "No like Luke did you can have one on the cheek" I say bluntly "The hell I wont" he mumbled "What" "Noting lets get on stage and sing like old times" we smile at each other and melt in...

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everyone was silent because they knew we were about kiss. We were eye to eye I was blushing red and he was smirking "I really don't want to kiss your cheek how about your lips" my blush became even more red" JUST KISS ALREADY" "JUST DO IT" two people yelled and as soon as those people yelled that he pulled me into a kiss ON.THE.LIPS I was about to faint.  I didn't know a little blonde hair was about to fight

~~Adrien pov~~

I run to the bathroom and start talking to myself .I had enough of this I should just kill him know I messed up but why I wanted to kiss her too but I wanted to give her some space I want a happy ending too. I know what I could do I will use Cataclysm yeah that will kill him "I know what your thinking so stop thinking that Adrien if you do they will know its you and also  she giving you a chance and if you kill her closest friend she will HATE you forever" Plag explain "I-I guess your right but the way he kissed her, Grabbed her and just flirts with her makes me want to boil!" "I know but you need to calm down because if you get even more angry you'll turn into a akuma's next victim" "Fine I guess ill calm down but ill beat his face in if he does it again"

~~Jason pov~~

I saw Adrien walk back in and I let go of the kiss "You really do kiss long don't ya" I say to y/n which she couldn't even respond because of the embarrassment and blush on her face. We walk off stage "Y/n I know you might say no but please give me a chance to date you I loved you ever since I Met your dorky self and loved every personality you had a light around you that makes me feel so warm so I just wanted to say will you marry me" Her  eyes were in shocked because I asked her to marry me "WERE ONLY 15 WHAT THE HELL"  I laughed so hard "I'm just kidding but  would you want to date little lo me " she smiled "Yes ill date little lo you" I hugged her so hard because I really wanted this to happen ever since I met her "I cant breathe" she whispered I put her down and we went back to change in  our regular outfits.

~~Y/n pov~~

if I'm being honest I really do love Jason and the speech he gave was so cute I had to say yes but I'm kinda scared that he will break my heart but I know he's not like that.We walk out holding hands and our friend are confused "Me and Jason are together" "WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" they yelled "Do you guys not like us together?" they look at each other and smile "No we do like you two together we were just surprised but YOU GO GIRL LOVE HIM TILL HES OUT OF LOVE" Alya yells which makes everyone else agree "There so cute together!" A girl says  "How do think Adrien's going to react to this" "I don't know but were going to need some popcorn" the same three girls that keep popping up they should have a name. We smile at each other but when we look back at the group there eyes are wide like they seen a ghost "W-what's wrong" "Do not turn around" Connie whispers and everyone agrees "why is there a spider or something?" "Even worse someone you don't want to see" Alya whispers to me "Aw come on it cant be that bad" I turn around to see Adrien talking to his fans "What's so about that" "He was about to come over but his fans stopped him" Nino said me and Jason ohhh'ed "Hey guys what's up" I heard a voice behind us which made me and everybody else freeze


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