After math part 2

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I'm so so so so sorry for not posting for frick fracking ever.I been dealing with stuff and i know it's a excuse but i'm just really sorry ill try making chapters every time i'm off  of school so enjoy this chapter~

~~Ayana's pov 

"CHAT NOIR GRAB HER" I yell. Chat nods and races down there with his stick "he's not going to make it or with the speed he's going he might die to" Ladybug informed me.How does she know this kind of stuff " can't you make a net or something" I ask "Well my powers give me what could be useful i can't ask it what I need and it will just give to me" She told me like I knew this "WELL TRY SOMETHING OR THEY WILL BOTH DIE" I yelled at her she rolled her eyes but still did it "LUCKY CHARM" we looked at it and it was a net "Oh" that was all she said.We slid down the tower faster then them falling I felt they were falling in slow motion but oh well.Me and LB grabbed the ends of the net and asked everybody that was over by us to help us hold it "CHAT SLOW DOWN IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL BOTH DIE" he nodded again while getting closer to Y/n. Come on chat you got this we can't lose another person I can't lose another friend I need her smile everyday I need her "Please save her.." I whispered.  out of the corner of my eye I could see ladybug start crying while saying please save her, then a random girl started saying it while tearing up then more and more people started staying it,People started coming over looking up and people no matter how old they were started saying it while crying.I think that Leona actually had a impact in these people's hearts,I looked down praying and hoping but that hope started to fade when people were gasping  I couldn't even look up because I didn't want to see anybody die.I kept looking down until I heard cheering,Confused that's all I was confused why were they cheering of someone's death I slowly looked up to see Chat holding y/n while on his pole  thing. I started cheering  the loudest and felt tears running down my face then they fall down (A/n: there now only just 3 feet away from the net well carry on) we quickly put the net together and me and LB runned to the nearest hospital.As soon as we were there we all detransformed and then rushed to the desk well I grabbed Adrien and y/n because I have ton of strength and still don't really trust her. "State your name and business" the lady said without glancing up okay i'm pissed"Excuse me you call human I don't think you wanna do that again or ill really fight you we dont have time for you or your sass so if you can get my bleeding friend and tired as fuck friend checked out I'll jump over that counter and snatch you weave real quick" she looked wide eye at me like I was crazy but quickly called for the doctors. Ladybug told the doctors of what happend just took out that there heros and y/n slit her wrist on purpose well they quickly took y/n and said Adrien could sleep in there beds too because well you know he's Adrien. 

~~5 hours later~

I kept falling asleep then jolt awake,it was getting kinda annoying but I will live on.I was to fall asleep again when I saw y/n's doctor come out her room with a sad expression on his face I rushed over to him  "Is she okay did she make it" I ask he looks serious "She might  but you two are so lucky that you came here just in time or she could of lost too much blood.She is struggling to live  and she also might have her personality changed" I felt more tears go down my cheek I nod my head and go to find Adrien to tell him the news.I finally find his room and he just woke up "A-Adrien" he looks in confusion "What's wrong Connie" he says while rubbing his eyes "W-well I just learned that y/n will make it-" "That's good there's nothing to cry about" he interrupted me "NO i mean listen she won't be the same y/n we know like she maybe more happy, more sad, more depressed, more angry they don't know, they just know her personality will change" "Oh, so we won't have the same y/n we had for as long as we known her for" he saddens but then asks"Well how would that trigger her to have a personality change" "I think when she was depressed she triggered different emotions then her normal ones but it's just a theory""Well is there anything else I need to know before I see her and cry my eyes out" I look away I can't tell him it will crush him and I don't really like him but I know he truly "She might make there not sure and she's struggling we don't know if it's to live or....die" as soon as I was done talking we just stared at each other  not like a romantic but like we feel the same pain.I couldn't help it I needed a hug 

I couldn't help it I needed a hug 

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"Hey it will be okay she'll make it okay just please don't cry" Adrien says as he crys on my head "D-don't talk about me when your crying too baka" we stop and look into each others eyes again and start laughing "I guess your alright for someone that broke my best friend's heart ill give you another chance to win her again" I bump his shoulder "I wont i promise ill treat her like a princess and never do what i did before I just need her to know how much i love her" he mumbles the last part to himself "Chocolate,food and building up the trust again to win her heart also you got my blessings so go for it" I say trying to get his hopes up.He laughs and nods "Well let's try to see if we can see her" we both breathe in and out then go to her room.

~~y/n pov~~

Dark.Why can't I see anything.Why do I feel chained.My head hurts like it will explode any second"Ahh so finally you're awake,took you long enough" someone's voice said but it sounded just like mine "AHHHHHH" the closer the footsteps go the more my head hurted. "Aww poor me i wish you felt better SIKE I feel something stab my leg "OWWWWWW STOP STOP please" "Hmm fine okay since I can't kill right now i'll just stop for today" i then felt her/him grab something from my head.Light i finally had light.Smiling like a idiot I was I try going to the light but something pulls me back "HAHAH YOU'RE EVEN MORE FUNNIER THAN ANXIETY" i turned around to see a gloomy looking me but the aura around her  was so strong and she was in black and white  "What are you" I dared to ask "Well i'm your depression i will kill you slowly and painfully and make sure to ruin all you friendships and love" I stared wide eyed "Why,why ILL STOP YOU ILL MAKE SURE TO PUT A END TO YOU" she looked un amuzed "honey I don't think you know this 1st your chained up by feeling even if you wanted to kill me you couldn't because 2nd I'm a emotion you may try to get rid of me but ill always be there, Happy" "Please just let me go" I beg "Wow first a threat now a beg you really are funn-""Y/n you there" i heard a voice "CONNIE ADRIEN HELP" "SHUT THE FUCK UP they can't hear you no matter how hard you scream well then let the games begin oh wait since i'm so nice to my other half i let you half of us so they don't get the wrong idea"

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this is what Depression y/n looks like 

~~Adrien pov~

We went into y/n room to see her sleep "y/n you there" her eyes then shot open but as soon as she opened her eyes it felt "Hello Adrien,Connie" she said in monotone voice It actually hurt to see this "Umm y/n are you okay" "Yes i'm fine Adrien why wouldn't I be" I looked at Connie and she had the same expression on her face as me "Connie can we talk alone real quick" she nodded in the corner of my eye i could see y/n face sadden when i left with Connie. Once we left the room connie looked at me like she knows why were both thinking the same thing "I could see it one eye was more lit up then the other like it was-" "-different personality's" she nods "Well i need to make y/n her again and i'm going to need your help you know her the best so please" i ask "If it's for y/n then ill do anything" she say "well start the operations at school tomorrow" she nods and we go back in.

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