Christmas Special

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~~this has noting to do with the regular plot line this is just a really short side story and 

i'm so sorry for not updating been having writers block well on with da chapter~~\

My day started like any other day "WAKE YOUR ASS UP OR ILL POUR WATER ALL OVER YOUR LAZY ASS" yup a normal day

"I'M UP I'M UP NO NEED FOR WATER" I screamed at Connie like meh life depended on it which it did  under the covers "Well your boyfriend is here so quickly get dressed" Connie told me as she rolled her eyes  "Adrien!" I jolted up "Who else are you talking about? cheating on him you slut" she giggled the last part.I threw mah Heaviest thing in my room near me,which was my *sob* *sob* my full thing of ice cream i forgot to eat and threw it at her"YOU FUCKING GOT ME ALL STICKY NOW I GOT TO TAKE ANOTHER SHOWER" she stormed out my room  muttering some things under her breath "Is the coast clear?" Adrien asked un surely thinking the devil might come back "Nah im 102% she won't come back well until after the shower" I said "Anyways why are you here?" I ask "Well I came to see my beautiful Purrincess and walk her to school" As soon as he said that i glomped him 

I threw mah Heaviest thing in my room near me,which was my *sob* *sob* my full thing of ice cream i forgot to eat and threw it at her"YOU FUCKING GOT ME ALL STICKY NOW I GOT TO TAKE ANOTHER SHOWER" she stormed out my room  muttering some things un...

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he started blushing hard "Never in my life I thought to be glomped by my girlfriend with no clothes on except for undergarments" I blushed even harder (If that's even possible >-<)

"how about you go downstairs so I can get ready" I asked while pushing him out he nodded and I closed the door.

"Done,  do you like it?" I asked while coming downstairs "Anything looks perfect on you my Lady" Said in a seductive tone which made me blush the second time today "You S-sure are a C-charmer" I say while stuttering"Well thank you I try" he  says ...

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"Done,  do you like it?" I asked while coming downstairs "Anything looks perfect on you my Lady" Said in a seductive tone which made me blush the second time today "You S-sure are a C-charmer" I say while stuttering"Well thank you I try" he  says while bowing  "Okay ew first it's to early for flirting second we need to go before were late And last check your phone,It was ringing with notifications all last night" Connie says obviously annoyed. "Fine" I open my phone to see a whole bunch of people saying 'Yes ill go to the party' which was kinda amused at the fact people were actually going "People are coming to the party so we need to come back here asap" I tell Connie and Adrien  they both nod and we leave 

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