chapter 7 Stormy Weather 3

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hat's a chibi picture of Lèona I made

--Lèona pov--

Ladybug then said "lucky Charm!" And when she was done she had a towel. I said "a towel what are you going to do with that?" Chat then said sarcastically "Great so we're about to be Ablitterated but a least we will be dry" She then said to both "Geez guys hold your whiskers" Stormy Weather yelled "Hail!" It starts hailing out of no where. Then chat grabs me and Ladybug and grabs his stick and starts spinning it so the hail wouldn'tt hurt us "So what's the plan for getting the akuma because I'm starting to get a cramp!" "Well guys while you figure it out in going to distract Ice queen" I say as I move "Queen of the Jungle" I yell as I start to transform into my queen form my hair starts to go 2x darker and my outfit starts changing to. I get a long tail and have no shoes

This was my second transformation I had one more but I haven't used it yet

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This was my second transformation I had one more but I haven't used it yet. I start to go towards stormy weather then I stop and look at them they look astonished that I transform "Don't worry I'll be fine if I wasn't I be lion" I winked at them then giggled and ran to her

--Chats Pov--

I think I had hearts in my eyes Its like she was a angel "Don't worry I'll be fine if I wasn't I be lion she winked and giggled as she said that I heard ladybug mutter under her breathe " Now we have two pun attics " I laughed a little I really think Lèona is the one

--Ladybug pov--

"Great now we got two pun attics"l Wait what were not focused!? Lèona is distracting Stormy Weather we need to take this chance Chat a little help see that sign over there check it out"" I thought you never ask" he stopped spinning his stick and said "gotcha bugaboo" and shouted "Cataclysm!"

--Lucia pov--

Once I went in to queen I could be invisible so I used my Roarx2 and she flew back. "guys I only got 5 minutes" I heard Chat say to Stormy Weather "Hey Coldly Locks is that all you got" "Quickly feed your kwami Lèona we need you" Ladybug said to me "gotcha but I'm not Lèona" I mumbled the last part while running

--Chats pov--

I could see Lèona steps move I know she will come back. but I wonder what she needed to say. Any who Stormy Weather started zapping me but of course I dogged it with cat reflexes.I started making my way to the built-in board and put my hands all on the metal which made it slowly start falling down. Ladybug grabs her foot with her yoyo and then Ice queen made a hole through the board which opened the vent . Then she grabbed the towel which made her fly and at that moment Lèona came back and says "I miss anything?" No but I missed you princess" I say flirtatious she blushes but our eyes moved back to ladybug by the time we looked back the umbrella was coming towards y/n she jumped up and broke it she then changed back to her regular form

--Ladybug pov--

Lèona broke it which made the butterfly come out I yelled "No more evil doing for you little akuma TIME TO DE-EVILIZE bye bye little butterfly" as I let the butterfly go I threw the towel in the air which made everything go back to normal." Now I would stay and talk but I need to bug out" I ran away from them but I really wanted to know what Léona has to say.

--Chats pov--

"So princess what did you need to tell me" I wink at her which made her blush really red aww she's so cute when she blushes "okay I got to tell you this quick because of our ring s" she says while still blushing "I'll listen to you anytime" "okay so ever since I had my miraculous I only used it for 3 out of the five years because I got it when I was ten I think I lied to both of you and i-my friend is having a little problem in life and I can't help her but I was wondering if you w-w-would?" she said out of breath I laughed and was about to answer but my ring beeped and as I was to quickly answer she sprang up and said "I will love to listen to your answer next time but I think it's time for us to go. chat with you later" she winks as she jumps building to building in the end I think I .... Fallen for H-h-her

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