Chapter 8

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This is what your looks like bedroom looks like if you don't like the color you can change it

--your pov--

your texting your bffl and shes the only one that knows your miraculous and you know hers too.




C: I just got off the plane ill be there in ten minutes

Y: So you will be coming at 10:pm omg YASSSSSSS

C: Calm down lady but YASSS I'M COMING AT 10


C: Its not 10:00 is it y/n?

Y:No.... oh wait I see

C: Then stop texting Dummy

Y: :O

"What took you so long to get here" i say yawning

"I missed my TWO of my plane rides and got on the third one" she says while yawning to.

"Well lets unpack your stuff and go to sleep because we have school in the morning" i say while dragging all her luggage up all those damn stairs. we went in her room and unpacked everything and by the time we were done it was 2:54 am Welp were screwed we are NOT morning people.We went to sleep and for some reason Chat was still on my mind weird.

--Morning --

"WAKE UPPP Y/N"Rudo says in a annoying voice as always "I'M UP I'M UP JUST SHADUPP" i yell to him which makes Connie wake up and come in my room "HOW ABOUT BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP, DAMN" She yelled which made it silent.. soon after we all started laughing. Then out of no where, Connie's kwami named Toffee said "you know you guys have 20 minutes to be there right" "OH MY UNICORNS" we said in usion. Connie dashed to her room to take a shower so did I i took a five minute shower and put on my clothes

I was waiting for Connie now "Hurry up or were going to be late" I said to her as she was getting dress "okay okay wait outside then"i did as she said and a few minutes later she came out "finally" I pouted

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I was waiting for Connie now "Hurry up or were going to be late" I said to her as she was getting dress "okay okay wait outside then"i did as she said and a few minutes later she came out "finally" I pouted

I was waiting for Connie now "Hurry up or were going to be late" I said to her as she was getting dress "okay okay wait outside then"i did as she said and a few minutes later she came out "finally" I pouted

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"What do you think" i looked at her and said "IT TOOK YOU THIS LONG JUST FOR THIS and tbh its cute " as we started running. We looked and people started going inside the school "thank go we made it " Connie said as we started slowing down "I could use you to get out of class and say you needed to get your schedule" I say in a devilish tone "Oh wow I feel the love" she acted hurt as we laughed. we went to the office and she asked for the schedule I looked at hers and was shocked "we have all classes together lets get it" we did a little dance and walked off to class. The teacher said to me "why are you late miss l/n" the whole classed looked at me I turned a little red but then said "My friend is new and i was helping her get her schedule" they looked at Connie which she got really red and i then said "excuse me but where do I sit because i didnt have a chance to have a seat" "oh you will sit next to Alya and Marinette and Connie will you please introduce yourself" she said with a smile. I sit down and the girl on the right with dark blue hair and low pig tails said "hi my name is Marinette" i say with a smile "Hi my names Y/n i hope we can be friends" she blushes and turns away a little. did i do something wrong...any way i look at the girl on the left she had brown to orangish hair and glasses. She saw me looking and said "Hi my name is Alya I was wondering if you heard of my Ladyblog?" i shake my head in a no motion and she replied "Well ill give you my number so I can text you about it or you can go to my blog!" she looked really happy "Will do, here " I give her a paper with my number on it. Connie does her introduction and the teacher starts blabbing . Connie sits on the end of our row then i noticed two things 1. Chloe's missing and 2. theres a new boy in here by another boy named Nathaniel. The boy had dirty blond hair with blue eyes he saw me looking and winked why did he wink at me?!?!? i blushed beet red and turned around Connie looked at me and did a lenny grin. I mouthed her NO as turned around the other way i saw two boys looking at me. The one with a red hat whispered "Uhh dudette are you okay" I didn't know my face was red and just nodded the other one had blond hair and emerald green eyes he just kept looking at me and I kept looking at him I felt like I knew him before I then turned around and I saw Connie stick up two ohh she was going to die and the thing about that the boys were watching everything i'm so embarrassed that's when i heard the bell it saved me for dear life and i grabbed Connie's hand and left

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