Years after

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so as you know all books must come to a end and actually I think nows a good time to end it with a good ending so sit back and relax the final chapter  and PS don't play until after PPS this chapter will be long af like 3000 words long

so as you know all books must come to a end and actually I think nows a good time to end it with a good ending so sit back and relax the final chapter  and PS don't play until after

~~Time skip to four years later~~
~~Adrien pov~~
Me and y/n have been together for 5 years and todays are anniversary."Dude I think now's the time to tell her you two have been dating for like the longest time" Nino tells stating the obvious "Yea like seriously she cant wait forever" Connie said which made everyone agree.You see I gathered all our best friends to help me plan everything out and Nino and Alya are already married with one kid so is Mari and Nathaniel but they have three  and Connie and Jackson are engaged "I know I know that's why I called all of you down to get some ideas" they look at each other and then started rambling "we went to me and  Mari's favorite sweet shop then we went on a boat ride that's when I asked her" then Nino "We went to our favorite band concert and I asked to be on stage to propose to her" then last but not least Connie and Jackson "I took to alot of places and when it was raining I proposed" "Yea and I'm still upset that we were wet in the rain" she told he rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.Mari then spoke up "You know Adrien, I feel like Y/n doesn't care about the big and flashy stuff or chilche, heck even just normal proposal. I think she just wants it from your heart not from what we say or it wouldn't be special to you two.just think about all the things you been through and how you overcame it as long as you truly mean what you say to her she'll accept" we all look at her she looks around then starts blushing "I-i-i mean that's just what I think I'm no expert" I put my hand over her shoulder "Thanks" I turn to everyone "Thanks for all the help you guys did but I think I want to take Marinette's advice and I'll need more of your help" I tell/ask they all nod there heads while I discuss the plan.

~~Y/n Pov~~
I woke up to the sound of chirping and the emptiness on the bed "A-Adrien?" I opened my  eyes to see no one there "He probably went to work" I say to myself. I get up and take a shower,brush my teeth and comb my hair I get into this medium length dress and flats then head out.

I was just roaming down the street when I saw this puppy in a box that said free I looked at the puppy and it was sleeping "Aww I just have too I don't want it to dehydrate I don't think that small bowl empty bowl going  to be enough" I grab the b...

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I was just roaming down the street when I saw this puppy in a box that said free I looked at the puppy and it was sleeping "Aww I just have too I don't want it to dehydrate I don't think that small bowl empty bowl going  to be enough" I grab the box and walk home I got a lot of stares some were in aww and the others were in question.Once I got home I took the puppy out the box and it woke up instantly,Mika came over and sniffed the dog and they started playing for a dog that didn't eat in a while looks very energetic.I grab four bowls and set it down next to the two,I give them both water and food the puppy ate that down very quickly while Mika slower.After they both ate needed to figure out the gender so I looked on Gouggle (I spelt it wrong on purpose) to find out.After years of searching I found out that the puppy was a girl,now time to decide a name "Hmm how about Saya" she growls  "Okay not Saya how about Hope?" she barks "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rose??" She finally wags her tail and barks with excitement "Okay Rose lets tell Adrien about you being the new member" I smile as she barks.

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