Horrificator part 1

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~~Yn pov~~

"Y/n it's time to get up" Connie whispers in my ear which gives me shivers "Five...More....minutes" I say while groaning."Okay if I come back in 6 minutes I'm yelling in your ear" she says while smirking Oh.Shit.
~3rd person~
~~six minutes~~
Connie sneaks in y/n room to see her still sleep she goes down stairs to grab pots and pans

"WAKE THE DUCK UP WAKE THE DUCK ~~SONG~~ I ANIT GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALL SO NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME×2" Connie yells y/n woke up faster than you could Twaimz and gave her 'ohh Im gonna kill you when YOU sleep' look. Y/n finally got up and took a shower then Connie handed her some clothes.She put the clothes on,fixed her h/l ,h/c hair and looked at herself in the mirror on her shirt it said 'bitches' and y/n looked at Connie and she has 'best'. "Ayye but let's go before were late" Y/n announced.

That dream still made me feel weird but I know he wouldn't do that.

~~At school~~
"Ahh y/n,Connie we were just about to start  since you came late you'll just be ensemble" Nino says "Gotcha" me and Connie say at the same time. We stand next to Alya and Mari I kinda feel weird around mari because when she saw me she got a little sad and looked away..weird I focus on Adrien and he looks at me with sad eyes to like something happend double weird in probably just seeing stuff. I focus on what's actually happening "Agent Smith it's too dangerous we must evacuate" Adrien says while holding a  gun(this is just going to be Adrien and meyelyn talking back to back)  you are suggesting we run officer Jones,after it devoured my family,my friends and even my beloved Dog Sniffles NEVER I won't run I no longer fear it I'm going to face i-AHHHH" mylene runs under the table shaking while Nino says "CUT" I go over to her and hug her "it's okay mylene" I say with a smile she blushes and I walk away because I knew Ivan got this. "Sorry Mylene" Ivan aplogizes I think I was about to slap him he should of kissed her.Nino then continues Mylene this is like the tenth take and were only on the first sence" " fourteenth actually but who's counting" Alex corrects. "I-i-im sorry in gonna do better on the n-next take I promise" Oh man poor Mylene ~( T_T ) /  "anyone want some tea" Rose trys to lighten the mood...it didn't work I look at Adrien and he looks at me and looks away I feel like he hiding something and it hurts my heart. Nino then says after a awkward silence "Your playing a hero from the special forces you're not supposed to get all freaked out" I know but that monster mask he's wearing is so realistic and scary" "its just big ol me mylene noting to be scared of" ivan said while putting his fingers in the masks eyes."if you asked me he doesn't even need a mask" Chloe announces me and Connie whisper at the same time"What a bratty snob" we then giggle.I see mari looking at me with a guilty face today's Adrien and Mari been acting really weird is it because of the of my dream DID THEY HAVE THE SAME DREAM...No they couldn't have Adrien would never say or do that he doesn't even say that to Chloe. "Ivan put the mask back on you're supposed to be playing the monster" Nino says irritated he continues "and Mylene we need you to stay in character" she looks at Ivan as he put the mask back on "Oh I need to sing my happy song it always make me feel better...Smelly wolf smelly wolf stinky breath and slimy other" "AND THE OSCAR FOR THE BEST PATHETIC SCARDY-CAT afraid of  its own shadow goes to MYLENE" Chloe announces to the whole class.I was about ready to knock the makeup off of her  then Adrien looks at me with a don't do it face and I nod but for some reason now he talks to me wow I.Feel.The.Love. note the sarcasm. "Chloe seriously" Adrien says kinda mad ALL HE SAID WAS THAT OMFG he's so lucky I'm not about to go hulk on them rn."Uh yea so what"Chloe says like it's not a big deal Mylene then starts dashing out the room I swear I saw a tear it made my heart hurt alot. I run out the room "Mylene!" "Anyone gonna go after her" Connie says annoyed.Ivan then went after his princess

~~time skip to the picking who should kiss Adrien~~

"So who's going to take Mylene part"Adrien asks he looks at me and I cross my arms and look away I could tell he was a little hurt" Uh me of course"Chloe volunteers I really don't care if he kisses her or not it looks like he already kissed Mari of how there both acting.Alya looks at me in shock and then looks at Chloe "You haven't even read the script!" "Of course I have the first sence anyway I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between agent Smith and Officer Jones" Chloe explains I'm not fazed but Mari over there is in shock no wonder she wanted that kiss to herself again.In the 3 weeks I been with Adrien/Chat I only kissed him 4 times I don't really care...I wonder how Jason is hmmm I was snapped out my thoughts when Mari says"Did you write this!?!" Alya grabs the paper and looks in confusion "Uh hold up I DIDN'T write this" "Uh I wrote it..you know it was just a little tweak you know to move the story forward" Nino Confesses.Alya went up to Nino and yelled "You edited my script without even telling me that's low!" Nino shot back "Wait a minute you mean OUR SCRIPT" I saw Adrien look at me again and  I looked away again he can't just except me to talk to him after IGNORING me I feel like I did something wrong. He sighs and Rose ask him for juice he accepts it but Chloe takes it and says "Oh who cares who wrote what we got to film this thing right" to be honest shes right "Right Principal Damocles is only us to use the school till 6:00 pm sharp" Max says while counting down. Mari I don't even think I want to call her that anymore but since her names long as hell ill let it pass well anyway Mari grabs Alya and whispers but I can hear "Adrien and Chloe kissing cannot happen no way" "It makes no sense story wise anyway but why do you care isn't Adrien dating Y/n" she looks around and whispers something in her ear and Alya astonished "How why didn't you tell me why so sudden why to y/n?" "Please just reason okay don't tell anyone promise"  fine promise"  "Hold on" I say to myself and walk up to Chloe while ignoring Adrien "We cannot let Mylene just leave just like that it's wrong- we all chose her to play the leading female roll-And were all in this movie together she needs our help and support..And I'm gonna go find her and bring her back"I say first the Mari interrupt me then I finish what I say."Oh look Y/n always trying to save the day good luck finding the filthy hole that scaredy-cat is hiding in" Chloe says in a stupid voice.I death glare her and start heading off pissed af

~~New  Mylene pov~~

"Why are you so intimidated and scared all the time" I say to myself while sobing (author-chan:Watch out my precious Mylene)   I then heard a voice and my mind went blank "Horrificator I am HawkMoth up until now you have felt fear from now on you will cause fear and after you show how they make you feel you will do something for me in return" No no I don't"Yes Hawkmoth" I don't know what came over me.I started transforming into something that I didn't want to transform into I puked purple stuff on the mirror and looked at myself I-i-i-im a Monster!

~~Y/N Pov~~
I walked in and shouting "Mylene please come out don't be afraid we want to help and support you" I started walking in looking all around for her and couldn't find her.I then look at the mirror and there's purple stuff on it I get curious and touch make a weird face."Y/n did you find Mylene" I turn around to see its Mari out of ALL people it had to be her."No" I say quietly while looking away I know I'm acting childish but I know something is happening to Adrien and Mari I can see it on there faces. "Well let's get back Chloe's trying to kiss your 'Boyfriend'" she said and when she hit boyfriend there was a difference in her voice.Okay acting let's put you to work "Oh yeah I think my 'Boyfriend' wouldn't want that to happen so let's go" I say with a close eye smile."oh okay "  I know she wants him to herself but why him didn't she give Nathaniel a chance UGH I WANNA KILL HER FOR TRYING TO ACT NICE but I'll be fine...I hope

Was she in the dream too she couldn't have that was a decoy but Chat said he was Adrien and had the same dream I had we then talked but he didn't want to go home so I snuggle with him and next thing you know were making out.I feel really bad but I can't leave my feeling behind for this dumb girl Adrien's mine welp let's get back to the class before Chloe trys to kiss him again.

~~Y/n pov~~
I need someone Connie can't really do anything except beat his ass but I don't know if it's true I guess I did make a promise with a guy to meet him again in Paris he'll say yes.

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