Christmas Special *Lemon

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As soon as I nodded he grabbed handcuffs which I really don't know he got those from and handcuffed me to a bed.He then grabbed a blindfold and blindfolded me so I lost two of my senses great .-.  "You know you really been tempting me not to fuck you silly with that red,short sexy dress" he whispered huskily into my ear which sent shivers down my spine "Then do it this was all for you sweetheart"I say while blowing softly in his ear it was his turn to have shivers down his spine. Adrien then smashed his lips on mine and I kissed back.He then started rubbing my side and went to my butt and started squeezing it which made me gasp and slid his tongue in my mouth exploring the ware about's.After a while he broke the kiss and started nibbling on my neck searching for my sweet spot which he found very easily and started biting on it  which made me moan louder than I was supposed to. Adrien stopped after giving me this big ass hickey and started kissing down to my chest he unzipped my dress a little to under my breast  "Ah no bra,no wonder a lot males were staring at your chest" he growled "Or maybe it's cause of these" He grabbed both of my boobs hard and started playing "N-not so h-hard" I moaned.He started sucking on my bud and still playing with the other after awhile he gave the other one the same treatment while making me a moaning mess.Once he was done he started unzipping my dress while leaving kisses and hickeys down my stomach he kept going until he reached my Pantie line >.<. "Wait" 'Hmm' he responded on my stomach it made me giggle "I-I Wanna please you too" I whispered which he heard because he uncuffed my hands.I took off my blindfold, I put it on him and cuffed him to the bed "H-hey!" he yelled "I cant let you have all the fun  can i" I whispered in his ear He slowly nodded.I attacked his neck as he moaned a little I then took off his shirt and started kissed and abusing his skin which made him purr? "cute"I purr in his ear I go back down and slowly pull down his pants."S-stop teasing Y/n" Adrien says as his bulge becomes bigger "It seems to me that you like this" I tease as i put my hand on his bulge "a-ahh" he moaned.I decided not to tease because I want it now, I rip off  boxers and lick the slick of his member "A-a-ahhh stop teasing me" I could see his hands struggling to get free.I sighed and took it whole while pumping him. Adrien started bucking his hips to add on the pleasure "Ahh I-i'm a-a-about to c-cum" as soon as he said that he squirted all in my mouth and I swallowed it . I took off the blindfold to see his eyes full lust and love "Take off the hand cuffs Now" He said I nodded and uncuffed him.He flipped me over to where he was on top and in a matter of seconds he took off my underwear and spread out my legs Adrien put his head in between my legs and took a long and slow lick a small moan escaped my mouth.He kept doing that till i couldn't feel my legs I then felt 3 fingers go inside me at a very slow pace "A-Adrien g-go faster" I feel his fingers go faster and I was so so close but just when I was about to he pulled away "I just cleaned you up I don't want you to get dirty until after" He winked.I rolled my eyes and flipped him over and placed myself over his member he looked at me kinda scared "Are you sure you wanna do it with me?" he asked all I could do was kiss his forehead "Goodness all night you been doubting me and you i would of never done this if I didn't want to do it with you" He smiles and nods I slowly push myself down.We both moan "D-damn Y-you're so tight" I stop for a sec to adjust I could it was hard for him not to move after a while I go all the way out except the tip then slammed in which made us moan again.I kept going up and down while he was bucking his hips to create more friction but all of a sudden he switched us and put both of my legs over his  shoulder and thrusted harder which made him go deeper "R-right there" He found my g-spot he kept thrusting in that same place which made me cum over his member and a few thrusts later he came out of me.He then collapse on the bed "We should do that again sometime" he smiled his toothy grin "sure,but for now let's go to sleep" I say while yawning he whined but put the blankets over us "goodnight my love" "goodnight my kitty" we gave each other one more kiss then fell asleep 

~~Next morning~~

I woke to find Adrien sleep next to me,his hair stuck together and him softly snoring.Connie then comes in and looks at me then to a sleeping Adrien then back "I knew it when the police started asking questions to me,I was wondering where you were until I got back inside and heard moans coming from your MOM AND DAD's room you little nasties" I blushed "Leave he might wake up and could you pleaseee give me pain killers and coffee/tea my head is killing me" she sighs and nods then walks away.I look back at the sleeping figure and start kissing his nose. I then travel to his lips "You know you could of just woke me up if you really wanted round two" he smirks "Maybe later but lets go food" "Sounds like a plan" we give a quick peck go to the shower and start are day

IM SO SORRY FOR BEING CRINGY I can't make lemons for mah life .-. sorry to disappoint you guys with a bad one ill try harder in the future 

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