Haunted House part 1 Halloween special

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I wake up early to figure out how to make this Hickey not noticeable "Makeup? Yea that's my only option right now or I could wear a turtle neck hmm I'll ask Connie" I run to Connie's "Connie" I whisper in her ear "Mhmm right there" she mumbles "Connie!"  I say a little louder "Nuu don't stop J-Jackson" she mumbles louder "CONNIE" I yell in her ear which make her jolt up and back hand "O-ow" I say while having my hand on my cheek."Why did you yell in ear at-", she looks at her phone,
4:01 in the morning!" She yells "Shh your going to wake them up" I cover her mouth "Well whats the reason you went into my room and woke me up from my amazing dream" she says while blushing red "I need your help with this" I show her my big ass Hickey "And if you don't help me I'll tell Jackson about your little wet dream" I say with a devilish smirk. She blushed rose and she nodded her head quickly "Now what I got your attention can you tell me which ideas better 1: I put foundation all over it or 2: I just wear a turtle neck" she thinks about it "Well if you wear foundation your skin color is going to be a little different and people might question that and also the Makeup might come off since we have gym. now for the turtle neck it's going to be hot as fuck and people will kinda wonder because you never wear them and one more thing we have gym so you will have to take it off so I think you should do both" she explains I nod and was about to leave  "Thanks and also have fun going back to your Wet. Dream" she blushes her redest and pulls the cover up.

~~time skip Brought to you by Connie's wet dream~~

okay turtle neck and makeup I can do this, but first I need to take a shower. I take my towel and head to the warm wetness.After about 20 minutes I get out only to find my towel gone "Where'd It go I could of sworn I grabbed it unless..He's dead meat" as soon as I get out I see Jason standing there "Nice body" my faces turns completely red "GIVE ME MY TOWEL YOU PERVERT"

I kicked him on the ground then  put foot on his head so he cant see"Loving the view down here" My blush goes on fire "Fine but I'm not talking to you until the next day "I Kick  him out "Hmm what turtle neck should I wear

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I kicked him on the ground then  put foot on his head so he cant see"Loving the view down here" My blush goes on fire "Fine but I'm not talking to you until the next day "I Kick  him out "Hmm what turtle neck should I wear....Aha this will do with leggings now all I need is my foundation" I started looking for it I looked in my makeup bag,Floor,Cieling and in the bathroom and still couldn't find it.I finally found it on my bed? Why would it be here I haven't used in a good month well any who I covered the hickey the best I could even though you could see a little bit of red it's fine I then get my clothes on and wait for the rest

I finally found it on my bed? Why would it be here I haven't used in a good month well any who I covered the hickey the best I could even though you could see a little bit of red it's fine I then get my clothes on and wait for the rest

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