Love growth

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Don't play da song until I say okay #Bars

The doctors said you can go home you just needed rest from all that blood loss

~~Your Mind~~

I go to sleep to see another me looking at me "So you think you can escape me,me" she says sternly "I-I-I didn't do anything" I stutter "You are mistaken don't talk to Adrien again or I'll kill you before I die" she demands wait so if I talk to him and maybe she'll die and leave my body.but I have to play it safe "Yes of course" She then goes back to sleep. If she sleeps for 9hours I can get closer and closer to Adrien it can effect it a lot.

~~School/Valentines day ~~

It's morning and she's still sleep which is good but I don't know when she wakes up. Well I take a quick shower and get dressed

As I go downstairs to eat I hear......Noting,nothing at all just small chewing I look at Luke and he just glare at me hard.I quickly look away I look at Connie and she looks worried but changes into a very soft smile."What up with the outfit emo ass bitch" Luke says in a harsh tone "LUKE, y/n what with the outfit" "I don't know just feel comfortable with it I guess" I answer while looking away "Mhm now your going to cut yourself and say Jason will never love me and ill never live witho-" *Slap*  I don't know what came over me but I just slapped him "Luke you may not like actually hate me in fact but you will not talk about me or your brother like that" i say calmly but anger in my voice they both go silent "Connie let's go" i mumble but connie could hear it.We both left to school without a single word

~~The walk to school+Connie's pov~~

It was quiet ...To quiet I really miss the old y/n she used to talk about anything even if it didn't make sense


"Hai Connie" y/n greeted with her pearly white teeth smiling "Hello y/n" I smile softly "What do you want to talk about this time" I ask Her smiled grew bigger "TOY PLUSHIES AND ANIME" She yelled which made us both laugh.Oh how happy I am to be her bestfriend  "Hey Connie" I hmm in response "Don't you like Free" "Of course I do plus the fact that you made me watch it 4 times" She rolls her eyes "How about we go to the plush store to see if they have any Free ones " she's asks with a closed eye smile "How can I say no to a face like yours" I pinch her cheeks and keep talking about random things

=============End of Flashback============

I look at her you see her gone (⊙_☉) WHERE DID THIS HOE GO.I look left ('ε`*) I look right (○'3`)ノ  I look ahead to see her walking fast I try to run up to her "WAIT UP Y/N"  she starts bolting  "Y/N PLEASE WAIT" she then stops in her tracks I catch up to her "Why *Pant* did you run *pant* so fast" she turns to me with tear filled eyes while she kept repeating she was sorry "What's wrong y/n" I ask "I slapped Luke and didn't wait for when you called I'm such a horrible friend" she reply' s  while crying up a storm "No I'm horrible I should of known something was wrong when were left instead of daydreaming Im a very very bad friend" I tell her she looks up at me

"Don't leave please if you do I don't think I can survive this hell" She crys on my chest "Wouldn't even think of it because I can't seem to lose you too,Geez you do make my life a living Rolla coaster first your I don't even know mood then your sad like wtf how could I handle this as a child"  we stay silent for a minute then burst out laughing "Come on let's get to school" y/n says as she grabs me and smiles.That's the y/n I know and love "Oh and happy Valentines day" I tell her she looks shook, on boy

~~At School +your pov~~

As soon as me and Connie got to school everyone went from talking to silent they all looked at me in sympathy even Chloe was too so that's new everyone stopped handing out gifts too.Speaking of chloe she was the first to go up to me "Hey y/n I know I've been how do you say it, mean but I was wondering if we could be friends and I'm really sorry about your lost also happy Valentine's day " she gives me chocolates I was shook heck everyone was  shook "H-Hey I could be non bratty sometimes" she a tunsundere "Even though you did make my school year a long one I forgive and yes was can be friends and thanks for the chocolate" I say which makes  everyone even more shook and makes a really really really happy Chloe "OMG THANKS SOOOO MUCH " She hugs me and walks away twirling.We ALL needed time to adjust to what JUST HAPPENED the school bully apologized what kind of madness was this "Am I the only one that saw what happened" a familiar voice said I turned around to see Adrien a little shook but smiling his toothy smile at me which made me smile damn what is he doing to me "Anyways y/n can we pleasee talk" he asks now everyone's attention was on us great ಥ⌣ಥ . I nod and I guess the whole freak fraking class wanted to follow us double points ╥﹏╥ .He brings me and the class to  this beautiful place and we all stare in aww "Adrien why did you bring me here" I question as I put a strand of hair behind my ear "Y/-Look I know are history hasn't been the best in fact I think about it everyday if my life and regret it from the bottom of my heart I just want one more chance to see you smile because of me laugh because of me just be you because of me.Just one chance I promise I'll treat you better" he says never taking his green pleading eyes off my e/c teary eyes and everyone was silent not even daring to move or even breathe "Please just one more chance to prove I learned and grown from my mistake so y/n will you be my girl-DING DING DING  that moment was ruined  author chan ruined got damn it I hope Karma puts wassabii in your nose ಠ_ಠ. Everyone groans(Not like that nasties) and leaves except Connie,Mari,Jackson,Nino,Alya and Nathaniel. But Adrien didn't notice them "Please just think about it before I lose my mind" we both laugh at the end but I nod "Adrien fucking agreste I will be your girlfriend as long as you can prove to me you change I don't think I can handle another heart break" I start to to tear up more.Adrien hugs me and whispers in my ear "Then I'll sing how I'll feel" I look at him in confusion

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