chapter 6 Stormy weather part 2

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Ladybug came out of no where and said to me "not trying to sound rude but who are you?" "Oh Im Lèona the lion im here to help you guys" they look at each other and chat noir says "how much experience do you have " I say softly "Five years" "Five years!?!" They say in union. "I think she's okay to join" chat says "me to as long as she cooperates with us"ladybug says kinda harsh "thank you but I need to tell you guys something before I join" they looked at me and Ladybug looked at stormy weather and kinda ran while yelling "okay but that would kinda have to wait a different day because we need to save Paris" Me and chat followed her and as we were running too he quietly said so only I would here "don't worry princess I will listen to you after" he winks and for some reason I blush red.

--Ladybug pov--

She had freaking 5 years of this and I think chats flirting with her too I don't really care as long as we get the akuma. but I kinda hope he stops because it's hurting me. I keep looking to them its weird that see chat flirting with other people

--Chats noir pov--

Lèona is so cute and the suit on her is fantastic. When she blushes or when she gets embarrassed I just want to kiss her. But I think Ladybug getting a little jealous because she keeps looking back here oh well

-- Lèona pov--

When we reached Stormy weather she started turning the sky dark. Purple lighting was about to shoot at chat noir but I quickly tackled him out the way and he landed on top of me I was blushing like a mad man. When he smiled but ladybug grabbed both of are hands to get up chat said to ladybug "thanks my lady" of course I had to say thank you "thanks for the hand ladybug bug" I say with a smile "yea no problem but chat watch the sky next time so you don't get hit" she said kinda mad.I hope she's not mad at me .

--No ones pov--

Ladybug,Chat noir and Lèona were catching up with stormy weather. Chat yelled at her " You just won yourself a cat fight" as he was running Stormy weather yelled "blast ice" and made the ground icey. Then she added wind which made all of them to go back. It got stronger and ladybug had her yoyo which she put on a pole to hold herself and Chat while Lèona had a whip which she was up higher than both of them. The wind stopped which made chat and ladybug fall in there face while Lèona spinned on the pole. Stormy weather was leaving and broke the bulletin board which had Mireille face on it. Chat said "A little chat noir will take the wind out her sails" as he was about to run Ladybug pulled his tail and said "whoa kitty kitty you better think before you leave" Lèona says to Ladybug "You got a plan" She smirks at Lèona and say "Just follow my lead" as she jumps on the building Lèona and Chat shrug and start walking on the building too.
Ladybug uses her yoyo Chat uses his stick and Lèona uses her whip to come at Stormy weather she gets mad and blows them away with cars . Chat noir get in the middle between two cars Ladybug blocks all of hers and Lèona blocked hers too. Then they all come together but a bus comes at them and Lèona steps in front of them and says "Lion Roar" and the bus breaks in two Chat and ladybug look astonished.

--Alya pov--
"Lemonade crunchy ice hit it once and it twice ...Freeze I say as I was playing with manon. I won and she said in a baby voice" it's not fair you always win uni!" As she said that the was creaking she was kinda scared the ice cones we're appearing I had to make a excuse to not scare her even more so I quickly made some thing up " the big Goblin King he ate too much and split his shirt "I said as I was chasing her but then more ice cones came I quickly grabbed her and said " do you want to hear a story?"

--Lèona pov--

As we were running we were thinking what made her mad I said "maybe she has some un resign anger issues?" Chat then said " or she didn't pass her driver's test" after that the screen that she broke turned on and started saying " hello viewers this is the forecast for the first day of summer looks like mother nature had a change in plans summer vacation is officially Over!" Chat then said " already but I look so good in a swimsuit" i started gigging and Ladybug said as she was rolling her eyes"The cat suit will do thanks" This time I was laughing harder and Ladybug was laughing a little with me. Chat then said "any who at least now we know where to find her" we ran to the weather station and chat pointed out saying "that girl reminds me of someone
Ladybug interrupted chat and said" that's her and i think the akuma is on her undbrella"as we were about to go in we heard the t.v say in Stormy weathers world it's winter wonderland for EVER" Me,ladybug and Chat kicked the door down we looks to see it was a recording of her I say "It's a recording" We then hear laughing behind us it was Stormy Weather she zaps some light trying to make them fall in us but we dogged them. All the light started turning off At first I couldn't see anything but than I yelled "night vision" which shocked ladybug and chat "I thought I was the only one with night vision" chat whined "Well lions can see well in the dark" I say back.ladybug rolls her eyes and says "Not the time " as she's trying to walk over to us she falls. chat saying "oh do I see a damsel in distress"
"One of us don't have night vision" she say as I grab her hand "whoa!!" She yells I say "No need to bug out just trust me " I say as we run

--Chat Noir pov--

I cannot believe she does puns to I think I'm in love but I also like y/n let's just see how this goes

--Ladybug pov --

As Lèona was holding my hand while running up the stairs I start to say "Okay that's enough I think I can manage to- Chat interrupts me " Duck!" I duck and as soon as I do I finish my sentence "Follow your lead on this one" I think I heard her chuckle we ran outside and to see Stormy weather looking down at us and saying "Haha you air heads you fell right into my trap" as she said that she made a tornado around the building then she started talking again " There no way out,party's over fools" I then say "where just getting- I then look at Léona hand and she let's go and chuckles I start over "Were just getting started"


I'm sorry if it's long I thought I could finish it in this chapter but I'm going to do the episodes out of order and light not even do all akuma attack just normal day just some episodes

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