Movie night

909 21 19

*Warning there is going to be some fluff in this chapter*

"I DECIDED WERE HAVING MOVIE NIGHT" I yell which startled the three of them "Just us or everybody?" Connie questions "since you don't know any of my friends I might as well bring them too" "Are we going to the movie theatre or staying" Luke asks I give him the lenny face"My movie theatre duh" "who do you plan on inviting?" Connie says with a worried face I know she's going to kill me for this "Alya,Nino,Jackson,Nathaniel..MariandAdrien" I said the last part fast.There eyes widen "HELL NO NOT ADRIEN" They said at the same time"Guys please I want to act like noting happened so the others won't be mad please " I started tearing up because I didn't want this but my parents are Adriens dads friends and if they found out it won't be good for both of us"Okay okay he can come but why mari" "They might get curious of why I didn't invite her so might as well also can one of you sit by me at the end of the row?" Jason sprung up faster then a bunny "I will then Luke can sit by me and Connie can sit by Luke" "Perfect" we say.


Group chat

Y:Want to have movie night at my house?


N:Yea dude




A:Do your parents mind?

Y: pretty sure they don't 😁

A:Okay I'll be there 😊

Group chat end

"You got the popcorn ready"
" Blankets "
"Last but not least the remote"

"Perfect timing" I walk to the door and open it to see everyone except Mari "Where's Mari" I say innocenly but fuck her "Ohh Mari said she was going to be late" Alya explains I nod and invite them in "Come on Vamanos" they laugh except Adrien "Where's Connie?" Jackson asks I think he likes her Lenny face insert "She's already here" as I say that we go inside."Whoa" they all say "It's as big as a real movie theatre" Nathaniel say "Who are they?" Alya points at Jason and Luke "Oh them,these are my childhood friends Jason and Luke" I hug there necks "Luke,Jason these are my friends Alya,Nathaniel,Jackson,Nino and Adrien there's one more but she's running late" I point at them and they wave "Okay SIT YOU ASSES DOWN" Connie yells excited we laugh and sit in the order we planed I could see Adrien glaring at Jason because of the seats but why should he care."What genre do you want to watch everyone says scary except Adrien he says noting DING DING DING "That must be Mari I'll get it, turn on a scary movie Jason" I walk to the door and see it was Mari "Come in Mari everyone in-" I'm sorry y/n I didn't think I would do that,it escalated quickly"she interrupted me and gave me 'sorry cookies' I accepted them "I forgive you but your gonna need to build my trust again"she nods and I smile " We're watching a scary movie So grab a blanket and sit down" she grabs popcorn and sits next to Nathaniel (this is how the seats where arranged:

Upper level

Mari Nathaniel Nino Alya Adrien

Lower level

Justin Connie Luke Jason Y/n

"What did you guys pick" I ask "We picked 'Forgot me not' Alya said " I heard of that movie"Luke said "Well shut up and start it " Connie laughed The movie started and it was okay but then in the middle of the movie a jump scare happened and I clung on to Jason I could see him blush but I didn't care that was some scary possessed demon girl.

I was glaring at Jason the whole time because I knew him he was also a model when a Jumpscare happened y/n clung on to Jason and I saw him blushing red I was about to kill him but I kept calm I have to show y/n I'm worthy.They still were in that same pose and Alya,Nino and Justin were looking at me like I was crazy.

~~After the movie~~

"That was a good movie" Connie says while stretching "Yea" Everyone else said since I haven't looked at Jason and y/n in a while so I decided to turn around but Nino stopped me "Uhh that's not a good idea dude" they all were staring at y/n Connie and Alya were taking pictures I then pushed myself off of Nino grip and saw Y/n and Jason sleep together

"That was a good movie" Connie says while stretching "Yea" Everyone else said since I haven't looked at Jason and y/n in a while so I decided to turn around but Nino stopped me "Uhh that's not a good idea dude" they all were staring at y/n Connie ...

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"Hehe told you" Nino said while scratching the back of his neck.They started waking up and once y/n noticed she blushed beet red and soon he did to "W-we haven't done that since 5th grade" She says shyly I got so mad "I'm going home bye" I ran out while everyone was calling my name I changed into chat and went home I felt wet stuff on my cheek...I was crying my rival took my girlfriend well ex girlfriendfriend but not the point I fell on my bed "Why did you leave I was about to get cheese" I turn around to see plag in my face "Not today Plag" "Wow your eyes are puffy and red what happened" he says while poking my cheek."Stop and I Just saw y/n snuggling my rival"I say as I can feel tears running down again "Well you can't blame her for finding other people because you could of had her to yourself but you cheated" He explains bluntly "I KNOW STOP SAYING IT I KNOW WHAT I'VE DONE" I'm now crying hard "Well make it up to her" "How can I Plag" "Make her love you again win her heart do something" he says "Okay I'll start tomorrow"

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