first day

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Erikas pov
Tessa and I were looking at our schedule trying to find our nest class.
Erika- oh my class is right up here bye tessa.
Tessa- bye see you at lunch
I smiled at her then walked into class. People were still comming in but everyone was standing around the class waiting for their assigned seat. I stood by someone random waiting for when the teacher would speak. A cross the room was Jake he was one of the most popular kids in school. The bell rang and then she started to asign us to our seats. She went through  a few names then she called mine. I sat down then she called my partner for this class. Jake Paul your by Erika costell. I disn't want to sit by Jake he was really arrogant and I didn't think he would do any work. He sat down beside me.
Jake- hey I'm Jake
Erika- I'm Erika
Jake- nice to meet you
We turned around because the teacher started to talk.
Teacher- I know its only the first week of school but we need to start on projects. Talk to your partner and figure out who's house to work at.
Erika- you can come to mine no one will be there after school
Jake- ok cool do you want me to drive us
Erika- yeah sure
Then teacher went of procedures and the syllabus. When the bell rang I got up to go to lunch.
Jake- wait up
I turned
Erika- sorry, I didn't notice you.
Jake- it's fine do you want to sit with me and the guys
Erika- I'm um can my friend Tessa come
Jake- sure
We walked and got lunch and me and Tessa sat by Jake and his friends.
Jake- hey guys this is Erika
Chance- I'm chance
Anthony- I'm Anthony
Jake- that's kade
Kade- what's up
Tristain- I'm tristian
Chad- I'm Chad I do crazy stuff
Erika- this is my best friend Tessa
Tessa- hey
Once we finished our lunch my next class was with Tessa.
Erika- where do you want to meet after school
Jake- I'll just meet you at your locker
Erika- k see ya
Jake- bye
Tessa and I walked to our class and say down.
Tessa- so what are you doing after school.
Erika- Jake's comming to my house.
Tessa- why
Erika- were working on school stuff
Tessa- sure
Erika- shut up
Tessa- any ways you know that guy sitting with us
Erika- which guy there was like 50
Tessa- his name was

Thank you guys so much for encouraging me to write this story. I promise it will get better. Comment if you like it so far and who you want Tessa to be with.❤❤

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