shes not worth it

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I get out of the car and look at alissa and the whole school behind her staring at me. I was in shock why were all of them looking at me. I shut the door behind me and looked at jake. I started to whisper to him knowing everyone one was watching everymove we took.
Erika- whats happening
Jake- i dont know
I looked from jake to the people to jake again.
Jake- lets just go inside like usual
I nodded at him and he squeezed my hand to reasure nothing was wrong. We walked to the doors and soon realized the crowd of people was blocking it. Logan was still behind looking around trying to figure out what was happening. We stopped as we neared the crowd and saw Alissa walking toward us.
Alissa- hey jakey
Jake- dont call me that
Alissa- oooh your fiesty to day i like that
Jake- whatever can you tell your minions to move so we can get inside
Alissa- hmm and why would i do that when the show is about to begin.
Erika- what show?
Alissa- does the trash want to see it like everyone else
Erika- what
Jake- did you just call her trash
I could tell jake was angry.
Logan- jake not now not like this
Jake looked at logan i could tell jake was still fired up. I grabbed his hand and turned him around,he was still looking at alissa.
Erika- jake look at me
Jake slowly turned around and looked in my eyes.
Erika- jake im fine her words dont hurt me
Jake- she shouldn't be able to do that...your perfect.
Erika- just ignore her she's not worth it
Jake nodded but i could tell he was still angry. I slipped my hand behind his neck and gave him a quick kiss. He kissed me back i could tell he was he had changed. He looked at me and nodded.
Jake- ok lets go
He put his arm around me and started to walk away.
Alissa- wait your going to miss the show
We turned around and saw a projector playing a video

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