Waking up

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I wake up into the hospital jakes arms are around me and my head his on his chest. I turn around and grab my phone of the small table by his bed. I check the time and run my eyes as Jake stretches.
Erika- oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up
Jake- I don't mind waking up to you
I smile as Jake lays his head on my shoulder.
Erika- Jake
I whisper again because pam was sleeping on the small couch behind us.
Jake- hmm
He said in a sleepy voice
Erika- my dads coming home today
Jake picks his head up and looks at me
Jake- when do you have to leave
Erika- soon
Jake- please stay rik
Jake rarely called me rik
Erika- I have to
Jake- I know
Just stay here for a little longer
I looked at him and smiled
Erika- you had me at please
He smiled back at me
Erika- what do you want to
Jake- honestly
I nodded
As tucked a strand of hair behind my ear
Jake- just sleep in your arms
I smiled as we both fell back asleep. Jake woke me up as he is kissed me on the forehead.
Jake- your probably have to leave soon
I nodded and checked my phone
Erika- when are you discharged
Jake- soon hopefully
Erika- ok I'll swing by later ok
Jake-ok bye rik
Erika- bye
I walked out of the room with a smile on. With a smile on my face as Logan approached me.
Logan- how is he doing
Erika- he seems pretty normal just don't be rough with him obviously.
Logan- yeah ok see yeah
Erika- bye
Logan- wait
I turned around to face him
Logan- thank you
I nodded and turned back around not really knowing what I did.
Erika- hey don'r feel bad for him he wouldn't want that just watch your videos you guys make or distract him.
Logan- ok thanks
Erika- yup
Finally I make it out of the hospital and head home.

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