the morning

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Erikas pov
I woke up with butterflys in my stomach i didnt know why untill i thought about last night. I grabbed makeup bag and started to put on my make up. All i was thinking about was jake did he really mean it did he like me or was this to good to be true. Thats when i heard the yells from the bathroom.
Hayden- ERIKAAA!!!
Erika- what!
I ran out of my room and started to find where the noise was comming from. Thats when i stopped at the bathroom.
Hayden- ERIKA
Erika- what!
Hayden- did you use all my shampoo
Erika- no why would use your shampoo i have my own
Hayden- well now i dont have any
Erika- ill get you some from dads room calm down
I yelled through the door of the bathroom. I walked in my dads room he was still sleeping when i went in his bathroom to grab the shampoo. Once i got out hayden was yelling at me again.
Erika-Im right here calm down im going to come in and put it on the counter
Hayden- ok whatever
I put it on the counter and walked out  i walked by i saw jake dressed with wet hair. I laughed he looked at me and laughed to.
Erika- you used all of my brothers shampoo
Jake- guilty but he doesnt have to know that
Erika- your secrets safe with me
We laughed and i walked in my room to finish my makeup.
I was almost done when i heard a knock at my door.
Erika- come in i sat on the ground and saw jake through the mirror. I turned around to look at him.
Erika- whats up
Jake- um your dads still sleeping andd get awkward downstairs can i stay here.
Erika- sure haha
He sat on my bed and as i finished up my makeup. We talked for a little small talk we were both avoiding last night even though i didnt want to.
Erika- ok i have to change then we can go
He just looked at me.
Jake- oh uh ill leave
Erika- just turn around and dont look
I quickly turned around and put on leggings and a pink t-shirt. I turned around and saw jake still turned around i smiled and new i could trust him.
Erika- you can turn around now
Jaked turned around as i put socks on and slipped on a pair of boots.
Erika- you ready
Jake- yup
Ok i grabbed my backpack and headed put the door.

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