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In front of the whole school it showed my sore spot. As soon as alissa started speaking a microphone in her hand making sure everyone heard. She started explaining why my parents divorced and she said it was all because of me. I knew it wasnt true i knew everything was a lie. But that didnt stop it from hurting. It hurt so bad because these are things i told my self and i truly believed. It took months for my brother to convince me i had done nothing wrong. I was so lost in thought in my own devastation. I hadnt even notice the warm tears rolling down my face and jake trying to pull me away from the crowd. I couldn't move my feet were stuck to the ground i wanted to leave but my feet wouldn't let me. Everything was blurring togeather my tears preventing me from seeing anything but colors. Then i heard tessa my best friend. She knew what to do how to help me she is the only one who knew everything.
Tessa- erika look at me
I blinked away the tears and looked at tessa. It still felt like i was in a faze but at least i heard her.
Tessa- she is a liar and you are going to be ok.
I nodded i still couldnt speak.
Tessa- jake can you just take her home ill tell the teachers what happend you probley wont get in trouble for leaving.
Jake- yeah i can
Tessa smiled at me and gave me a hug.
Tessa- take care of her
Jake- i will
Tessa walked away to go to the office.
Logan- im comming with you
Jake- its fine i can go alone
Logan- no im comming
Jake- i think she just wants to be alone logan plus you have a big test 1st period you've been studying all week.
Logan- ok just tell me what happens
Jake- i will
I hadnt moved the whole time.
Jake- come on erika
He put my arms around his shoulders and i started to walk to the car with him. It didnt even feel as though i was walking i still felt numb.

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