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Once I neared his street there it was so quiet almost deafening. I knocked on his door and he pulled me in he pulled me into a tight hug while closing the door.
Erika- Jake
I wanted so badly to hug him as tight as he was hugging me but I couldn't he hurt me he left me.
Jake slowly let go I could see his eyes glossy as if he eyes were watering.
Erika- what wrong
I couldn't help but care no matter how bad he had hurt me.
Jake- I'm sorry Erika really I am
Erika- what's happening Jake
He was just staring
Erika- Jake what's up
Jake- thank you for coming Erika but I want to tell you with Logan
Erika- ok
I said with a nod Jake was acting weird nervous I was unaware of the affect I had on this kid.
Jake- Logan
Jake yelled Logan ran down the stairs
Logan- Erika
He ran up and gave me a hug
Erika- hey Logan I said with a giggle
Jake looked at me like that small laugh meant the world.
Erika- so what's up
Jake- ok so um you know how we have been doing vine
Erika- yeah it's all around school
Jake- its not only around school
Logan- so basically Jake and I have a "reputation" now and cameras follow us around sometimes
Jake- especially this week
Erika- so
Logan- I...we didn't want the public to know about you just yet
I was still confused but slowly trying to figure out why why did Jake have to avoid me though.
Jake- hey Logan can you go get um...some water for Erika she was saying how thirsty she was
Logan- sure
Erika- what I'm not thirsty
Jake- I know I just need to be alone for a minuet
Jake got closer he put his hand on my shoulder and it slowly ran down my arm ending at my hands. I could feel his warm breath cover my neck as he spoke.
Jake- I didn't want the world to have you yet for now I want you to be mine and only mine and maybe I ruined it but I'll do anything to get you back.
I was stunned I was so happy that I wasn't the problem that it was only his hectic life. I didn't stop me from hurting but i felt better now. I took one step closing any space that might have been between us.
Erika- you didn't lose me
I whispered in his ear and backed away as Logan entered the room handing me my water.
Erika- oh thanks
I grabbed I drank some of the cool liquid inside
Erika- well I'm I better get home
Jake- stay just a little longer...please

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