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Erika- you can come out
Jake- my backpack?really
Erika- I panicked ok
We laughed
Erika- now you sneak out the window and I'll grab our stuff
Jake- your so bossy
I looked over at Jake
Jake- and I love it
I laughed as I grabbed the stuff and headed outside
Logan- bye Erika
Erika- see ya
I got in the car and waited a couple minutes until Jake came
Erika- took you long enough
Jake- hey it's been a while since  climbing out of my window
Erika- when's the game
Jake- Friday
Erika- I'm so excited to see you play
Jake- you always see me play
Erika- I know but still I know you have been working really hard
When we got to school there was still a couple periods left.
Jake- I'll see you before practice right
Erika- definitely
We walked to the rest of our classes. The day was pretty boring nothing out of the ordinary just very long. I walked out of class to see Jake before practice started. I waited by the locker room as usually but no sign of Jake. What is this kid doing, just then someone walked out.
Erika- have you seen Jake
Dude- yeah he is getting grilled
Erika- by who
Dude- that substitute
Erika- seriously
The guy nodded then walked off. I walked into the guys locker room and saw my dad yelling at Jake.
Jake- please leave sir I'm not doing this here
Dad- she is dumb for messing with you
Jake- don't talk about her like that
Erika- what the heck Dad
Dad- what are you doing here
Erika- doing what I do everyday saying hi to the closest thing I have to family before he starts practice
Dad- you don't mean that
I nodded
Erika- i do come and find me when you want to start acting like my dad and not a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.
I walked out holding back my tears
Jake- hey are you ok
I nodded
Erika- I just don't understand
I said crying into his chest
Jake- I can skip practice
Erika- no
I shook my head
Erika- not happening
Jake held me tighter
Jake- I got to go get ready then where are you going to go
Erika- um I don't know
Jake- hey we'll figure it out with your dad
Erika- I'm going to talk to him tomorrow
Jake- are you sure
I nodded
Coach- are you staying Erika
Erika- I wasn't going to
Coach- well if you want to you can help me with practice
I nodded
Y- thanks
We walked out to the fields and I sat on the sidelines take attendance going through the plays.
Coach- run laps
I heard the boys groan and I giggled
I looked up at Jake and saw him smiling
Coach sat next me
Coach- are you ok
I nodded indistinctly
Coach- I won't tell the administrators you went into the boys locker room but can you be honest with me
I looked up at him
Y- my dad thinks Jake is wrong for me or taking advantage of me I don't know
Coach- hmm that's a tough situation
Y- tell me about it 
Coach- just talk with them honestly you don't want to ruin the relationship you have with your father
I nodded
Y- thanks
Just then the boys got back
Coach- water break then we will continue
I tossed jakes water to him he caught It and walked over. I stood up as he made it towards me
Jake- I'm glad your here
I smiled
As he put his arms around me
Y- Jake this is great but you are really sweaty
Jake laughed and let me go before taking another drink
The rest of practice went really good they were looking good for the game
Y- can I stay at your house tonight
Jake nodded
Jake- of course
We walked to the car and I saw the coach walking to his car
Y- hey I'll be right back can you bring my backpack to the car
He nodded grabbing the backpack
I ran over to the coach as he was getting into his car
Y- hey I just wanted to say thanks
Coach- no problem when your happy jakes happy when jakes happy he plays good
I laughed
Coach- and my wife wouldn't be happy if I didn't intervene
I smiled
Y- well thanks again
Coach- your welcome
I ran back to the Jakes truck
Jake- what were you doing
Y- nothing
Jake- sure
We laughed as we made it home
We walked into the door and saw a guy in the kitchen
Jake- Dad?
Greg- hey son
I looked over at Jake
Greg- your mom was working nights tonight so I decided to come over and spend sometime with you
Jake- does mom know
Greg- of course
Jake- were going upstairs
Greg- who's your friend
Y- I'm Erika
I shook his hand
Y- Erika costell
Greg- nice to meet you are you studying or
Logan come downstairs laughing
Logan- their dating dad she's probably spending the night
Greg- your mom lets her spend the night
We all nodded
Greg laughed
Greg- this is a joke right
Jake shook his head
Greg- she lets your girlfriend sleep here where does she sleep
Logan- on an air mattress in his room
Jake and I looked at each other
Greg- well um dinners ready make sure there's no funny business tonight
Erika- don't worry
Jake laughed
We all ate and we walked upstairs and changed into pajamas. Jake came in and sat on his bed scrolling through his phone
Y- I can go home if your dad doesn't feel comfortable having me here
Jake put his phone down and looked at me
Jake- no you can stay here
Y- are you sure
Jake nodded as I sat in front on me and gave me a quick kiss before Greg came in.
Greg- where's the air mattress
Jake rolled his eyes
Jake- don't worry about it I will pump it up soon ok
Greg- ok
We pumped it up and I grabbed some blankets from downstairs and made my bed on the mattress
Jake brushes his teeth as I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram he came in and laid down
Jake- look at this
I got up and sat next to him putting the covers over myself
Erika- that's really funny
I said laughing
Jake- I know right
I continued scrolling through my phone when I felt eyes on me. I looked over and saw Jake staring at me
Erika- what
Jake- nothing
He shrugged
Erika- what tell me
Jake- I just I missed this
Erika- what
Jake- having you with my laying next to be being with me
I smiled and kissed him
Erika- I missed you to I'm sorry I didn't try talking to you sooner
Jake- hey it's not your fault
Erika- I know I just know how you felt and you had no idea why I couldn't talk to you
Jake- forger about it the only thing that matters is that your here with me now
I smiled  and laid down on his chest
Y- do you think your dad will check if we are sleeping  in different beds
Jake nodded
Y- ugh
I sat up and Jake shifted to look at me
Y- I'm nervous to talk to my dad I haven't even thought about what to say
He put his hand on my leg as he started speaking
Jake- just say what you want to get off your chest
I nodded
Just then Greg walked
Greg- you guys going to bed yet
Jake- were just talking
Erika- sorry if we were loud
Greg- you weren't just checking goodnight as he left
Logan came in
Logan- he's literally going to check on you all night not that he has anything to worry about you guys always sleep a part
Jake- always
I almost started bursting out laughing
Logan- anyways see you tomorrow
Erika- night
I turned back over to Jake
Erika- guess we should go to bed
Jake- good night Rik
Erika- goodnight
I laid down on the mattress getting under all the covers
Erika- can you plug in my phone
I said passing him my phone he nodded plugging it in
Erika- thank you
Jake nodded and reached his hand out I laced our fingers together just as we had done before Jake methodically rubbed his finger over my hand until I fell asleep

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