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Things between Jake and I have been great we been constantly hanging out and doing everything together. In just a few weeks of our official relationship we been known as the biggest power duo and couple goals but Jake and I don't care about any of that though. Jakes been doing great in sports and I have been visiting him during practices l. Before Jake was doing good but he says he does better at football because of me but i don't believe him he has gotten really good and  the new star quarterback. I walked into practice like usual with a bunch of burritos and drinks for the boys.
I walked into the field watching the guys finish up their drills.
Erika- hey guys I got the goods
I put the food down and grabbed one back of food from the stack I brought.
Jake ran over to me with the rest of the they guys.
Erika- I have burritos and Gatorade
Chanthony- your the best
Erika- I know
I said with a laugh
Couch- thanks for taking care of my players Erika
Erika- anytime couch
Couch- boys small break while I see what plays we need to fix
Jake- I haven't seen you all day
He said putting his hands on my waist and rubbed his hands up my back
I started laughing
Erika- whatever it's been 2hrs
Jake- that's to long
He slipped his hand onto my cheek giving me a quick kiss before his couches yelled at them that they only had 5 mins left on break.
Jake- are you coming to our game on Friday
Erika- of course I haven't missed a game yet have I
Jake- nope
Jake held my waist while bringing me into a hug
Erika- you know I love you Jake but your super sweaty
I could feel Jake laughing and I know that goofy smile was on his face. Jake pulled back from the hug and stared at me.
Jake- are you staying at my house tonight or yours
Erika- um hmm I don't know I mean I could stay at home or hang out with Logan ya I think I'll hangout with Logan.
I started turn away as Jake caught my arm
Jake- you sure you don't have a third option
He whispered in my ear
Erika- I think I can make an exception
I started laughing
Couch- alright boys back on the field let's go
Jake- i want to go with you
Erika- go on their waiting for you
Jake- alright bye
Erika- bye
Jake gave me a quick kiss
Team- bye Erika
Erika- bye guys
I walked off the field and drove back home to get some clothes if so I could got to jakes.  I walked up the stairs and ran up the stairs and grabbed some booty shorts and a hoodie. I also packed a crop top and high waisted jeans with some Adidas for tomorrow I grabbed a couple other things and put the bag by the door so I wouldn't forget.
Dad- your going to jakes tonight
Erika- yup
Dad- do you want to watch a movie with Hayden and i before you leave
Erika- ya sure
I sat down in between my dad and Hayden and we watched some movie they picked out. The movie ended and I slowly got up tired from the long movie.
Erika- Dad can you drive me
Dad- yeah sure
Erika- bye Hayden
Hayden- bye
My dad dropped me off and I knocked on the door and Jake answered.
Jake- you don't have to knock rik you know you practically live here
Erika- I know but it's nice
Jake- sureee you only did that because your dad would have told you to knock first
Erika- ok fine you caught me
We walked inside as I went straight up to Jakes room and he slowly followed I slowly slumped down into his bed and laid down.
Jake- are you tired
Erika- yeah
Jake- me to
As he got into bed with me I laid my head on his chest and he put the blanket on top of us. I snuggled up to him more taking in all his warmth.
Jake- your so cold
Erika- I won't be in a second I'm stealing all of your warmness
Jake- warmness??
Erika- yup
We both started laughing
Just then my stomach started growling
Erika- ugh i forgot to eat but I just wanna go to sleep
Jake- come on I'll make you something
Erika- wow I have my own personal chef
Jake- I just don't want you to stave and I know that if I don't make you anything you won't eat because your so lazy.
Erika- how do you know me so well
Jake looked over at me and laughed
Jake- come on
I hopped on his back and put the blanket on top of me hanging of his back has he walked
Jake- your so lazy Erika
Erika- so are you
Once we got downstairs I sat at the counter scrolling through Instagram
Logan- her Erika
I looked up
Erika- oh hey Logan
Logan- what are you doing here
Erika- I'm sleeping over
Logan- oh cool
Logan- what are you making Jake
Jake- nothing for you
Logan- wow but I'm starving jakey
Jake- ok then go get some food the fridge is right Over there
He said pointing to the other side of the kitchen.
Logan but your already making food for yourself
Jake- no I'm making it for Erika
I started laughing
Logan- it's not like you to are together Jake you and I are brothers.
Erika- what
I said dropping my phone onto the counter
Logan- what
Erika- Um nothing
  Jake gave me the plate of food but I was so confused I quickly ate the food made my way upstairs. I sat on the bed messing with my fingers
Jake- what's wrong
I sat there for a second then looked up at him
Erika- why...why doesn't Logan know?
Jake- about what
Erika- about us Jake you were there you heard him
Jake I..I didn't want to hurt him
Erika- what do you mean are you ashamed to be with m I thought... i thought you loved me
Jake- he still likes you and i don't know I felt bad and I do love you with all my heart Erika
He's said kneeling down in front me reaching out for my hand.
Erika- can you tell him then I want him to know I'm yours and no one else's
Jake nodded
Jake- so do I
Jake got up and left and came back a couple minutes later and sat on the bed next to me
Jake- he knows
He said with a big smile
Erika- is he ok
Jake- yeah I think so he said he was
I nodded feeling better, Jake laid down putting the covers over himself. I laid down beside him as  he held the covers out for me. I laid my head on his chest as he put his arms around my waist.

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