a run

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I woke up early i realized it was a Saturday. I put some gym clothes on and went for a run around my neighborhood to clear my head.i decided to go a little farther. I ran up to jakes house and decided to stop their to catch my breath.
Logan- hey erika
I was out of breath it took me a minuet to respond i started to catch my breath.
Erika- hey sorry logan right?
Logan- yeah you going for a run
Erika- yeah i just needed to clear my head you know
Logan- yeah i get it do you want to com inside for a drink
I felt akward if jake wasnt their
Erika- is jake there
Logan- um yeah why
Erika- i was just wondering but yeah sure i could use a short break
He smiled at me and we walked inside. I saw jake sitting on his couch and i smiled at him.
Jake- hey erika what are you doing here
He got up from the couch and walked over to me. I could see him grabbing his side from when my brother made him a human punching bag.
Erika- i was just out for a run and i ran into Logan and he just getting me some water.
Right as he said that logan smiled at me and passed me a glass of water. We all talked for a while but it was kinda awkward.
Erika- ok well i better get going before my family freaks out on me.
Jake- ill walk you home
I could see logan giving him a death glare. I gave logan a side hug
Erika- see you later
Logan-yeah bye
Jake slipped on his shoes and we walked outside.
Jake- so what did my brother say to you
Erika- what do you mean
Jake- i mean like was he flirting
Erika- i don't think so but he was mad when you said you would walk me home
We were laughing but then jake.started holding his side again i could tell he was trying to hide it.
Erika- jake stop
He stopped walking and turned around to look at me.
Jake- whats wrong
Erika- pull up your shirt
He reluctantly pulled up his shirt.

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