Im strong

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I walked into jakes room and put my things back in my bag. It took a little while but I had almost finished when i felt tears dripping from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and look in jakes mirror wanting to look strong like what he did didn't matter that I was not effected but i was and he knew it. Jake was still downstairs so I did some quick makeup not wanting to look like a mess. Why did I care so much anyways is not like we were officially dating anyways. I walked downstairs to Logan and Jake fighting and I had no doubt in my mind it was about me. Once I got down their they both stopped and looked at me.
Jake- what are you still doing here
And with those few words I snapped I was done he could not talk to me like that like I was some stranger. Because I wasn't I had been sleeping in his room for a couple of day we snuggled on the couch I skipped class with this kid and we was acting as though he had never seen me in his life and in the worse possible way possible. I looked around and saw Alissa sitting in the kitchen why was she still here.
Erika- you know what Jake stop don't you ever talk to me again I don't know why your acting like this by you lost me and if that's what you wanted then congratulations because this is the last time I plan on stepping foot in this house
I screamed this from the top of my lungs all this sadness had quickly turned into rage and he deserved every bit of it.
Erika- can you take me now Logan
Logan- um...yeah
I turned around and started walking
Jake- Erika wai
I cut him off by slamming the door before he could say anything else.

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