Jake it was jake

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I wake up and think as I lay in bed all these thoughts were racing through my brain faster then I could even comprehend them. But I was done thinking I didn't want to think right now or maybe even ever. I look in the mirror my face was still a little puffy my mascara and dried tears were all over my face and let's just say I was a mess. I quickly got into the shower I wanted to be done every trace of sadness to go away. I got out of the shower and felt better I put my makeup on and changed. I then left for school early because Tessa had to take me to Starbucks but there was a plus side my brother would never wake up this early.
Erika- hey Tessa
I said as I got into the car
Tessa- hey rik
We sat in the car and talked to Tessa she took my mind of things for a while which was good.
Spencer- can we go inside I want to say hi to the cashiers
Tessa- ugh spence there never going to date you
Spencer- whatever
Tessa- do you mind E
Erika- no I have to go the bathroom anyways
She nodded and we walked inside
Erika- can you order for me while I had to the bathroom
Tessa- yeah your usual
Erika- yeah that fine
I head to the bathroom and when I come out someone pulls me behind the wall almost start scream until I hear the voice that instantly calms me but also filled me with rage... Jake it was Jake. He went to turn me around but  I wasn't going to let him.
Erika- what do you want Jake
Wiped the tear that was about to drop He turned me around after some resistance.
Jake- Erika I'm really sorry please if you still think that we could at least be...friends come to my house at 6:00
Erika- why should I Jake do you have any idea what you put me through Jake I had no one all I had was you and then you you
It turned back around and let couple more tears drop even though I knew he knew he hurt me I still didnt want him to see me.
Jake- I'm really sorry please just come
Erika- I can promise you that
Jake- I know and I understand if you don't
Just then Spencer walks around the corner
Spencer- hey this guy bothering you
Erika-no I was just leaving
He looked at me weird then nodded and we walked out into the car.

Anyone trying to message me directly for some reason it won't let me respond so if you need to answer comment please.
Also for those wondering I have no updating schedule I update when I can schools been really busy so I haven't been able to update as often❤️❤️ thanks for the support.

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