All my fault

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*attention intense chapter*
Logan- I'm fine with it
I smiled I loved this family why couldn't mine be like this.
Erika- thanks
I smiled
Jakes mom- anytime
Erika- well I better get home I have to finish up some homework
Logan- bye
Erika- bye
Jake- I'll drive you home I have to go to the store anyways
Erika- thanks
We hopped in the truck and soon neared my house
I looked at Jake
Erika- thanks for letting me be with you guys that was really sweet
Jake- anytime
As I opened the door Jake caught my arm
Jake- thank you
Erika- for what
Jake- giving me a second chance
I looked him a grin grew across our faces. He brought me into a hug and and we stayed their for a while.
As I shut the door to leave I heard Jake whisper
Jake- she'll be mine soon
I smile and and walk back to my house and change and start on some home work. I quickly shoot Jake a text.
Erika- thanks for driving me home
Jake- yeah no problem wyd
Erika- homework
Jake- lol sucker I'm driv
Erika- if your driving then stop texting me
I waited 10 minuets for the reply or a call then 20 the a half an hour. I call Logan worried
Erika- hi Logan
I could here Logan crying On the other end
Logan- Erika you have to come to the hospital please
Erika- what's wrong
Logan- it's Jake
Before I could answer I took my dads car and drove the the hospital I don't have a license but I didn't care I just knew I had to see Jake. I Park and run into the hospital a lady ask for my name but I don't answer I ran down the first hall I saw I couldn't stop moving until I knew what happened. Turn another corner and see Logan standing against the wall with his hands in his hair.
Erika- what happend
Logan- it Jake he... he got in a car accident
I fell to the floor with just enough time for Logan to catch me. I burst into tears I couldn't think everything shut off. I knew Logan was holding me and I know that some nurse was trying to talk to me but everything was going in slow motion.
The nurse looked at Logan and he said something to make her get out of my face.
Logan- Erika Erika it's going to be alright
Erika- not its not this is all my fault

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