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I looked at jake
Erika- so what "homework" did i need help with
Jake- this one
He grabbed my neck and chin. Then slid his other hand down my back. He kissed me once and smiled. We soon started making out on my bed togeather. We did this untill someone knocked on the door. Jake trailed his warm kisses down my neck so i could answer.
Erika- who is it
Hayden- hayden
Jake slowly got up and i went to the door.
Erika- what do you need
Hayden- i was just checking on you
Erika- hayden i need you too check on me im safe with Jake
Hayden- yeah sure
Hayden walked away and i turned around to look at jake.
Erika- how about we go somewhere where my brother cant spy on us what do you want to do.
Jake- hmm do you want to go swimming i know this really cool indoor pool.
Erika- yeah sounds like fun
I changed while Jake went over to hus house to change. I finished changing and walked to jakes house. Logan was in his garage working on his car while i leaned on jakes waiting for him.
Logan- hey erika
Erika- hi
Logan- what are you doing here
Erika- oh im waiting for jake were gonna go hang out
Logan- oh thats cool what are you going to go do
Erika- swimming
Logan- really
Erika- yup
Logan- can i come
Erika- uh... yeah sure
Just then jake came outside as logan went in. Jake was starting to get in the car but i hadnt flinched.
Jake- erika we got everything what are you doing
I got in the car and looked at jake
Erika- logans comming
Jake- what why
I told him about my conversation with logan
Jake- ugh
Erika- we will have fun
Jake- yeah but i wanted us to have fun
Erika- we will with your brother
I started laughing and so did jake just then logan got in the car.
Logan- whats so funny
Jake- nothing
I started laughing again

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