I promise

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Jake looked up at me after I had finished
Erika- what happened Jake?
Jake looked back down at his hands then at me again
Jake- um nothing I was being dumb
Jake walked away
Erika- you think I'm going to believe that
Jake- fine he uh he said something about you and I lost it ok I lost it
Erika- what did he say
Jake walked towards me
Jake- I'm not repeating it just know it was bad and I couldn't take it, it was totally untrue and you don't need to here it.
I nodded
Erika- well in that case thank you
I pulled him closer running my fingers in his hair pulling him into a kiss. We both pulled apart with our foreheads touching and he pulled me in again. Jake laid me on the counter and trailed kisses on my neck before returning to my lips. I felt him tense up and I quickly pulled away.
Erika- what's wrong
Jake- my chest I'll be fine I have more important things to do
Erika- I don't want to hurt you
Jake- your not
I looked at him
Jake- i promise
We continued kissing and Jake slipped off my shirt and we continued kissing before I heard someone come in.
Logan- what the heck I going on
I held onto Jake so he could cover me up as he looked up to face Logan
Jake- is mom here to
Logan- yeah she's in the car getting the rest of the groceries
Jake- well can you give us a minute
Logan shook his head slammed the door I flinched once the door made a loud bang.
Jake sat me up and picked up my shirt for me and I quickly slipped it on
Logan came back in
Logan- I told mom we forgot something at the store she's gone now
Jake- she didn't have to leave Logan were done you kinda ruined the moment
Logan- oh I'm sorry I ruined your moment
I flinched again and Jake saw it as he put hi hand on my leg
Logan- why are you still touching her
Jake- your scaring her Logan
He shook his head
Logan- no I'm not you guys have issues
Jake- Logan she's my girlfriend calm down
Logan-  did you even think about me coming home let alone mom for that matter did you even honk about my feelings you knew I liked her o don't need to see this.
Logan yelled again
Jake- honestly I was caught up in the moment ok I'm sorry
Logan- whatever
He slamming the door
I looked up at Jake
Erika- o think I'm going to go home while you talk to him, I'm sorry I caused this mess
Jake- no you didn't do anything wrong
I smiled and jumped up off the counter
Erika- text me later ok
Jake- are you sure you wanna leave
I nodded
Erika- yeah Logan needs you
Jake- ok bye
He said giving me a kiss
I slipped on my shoes and walked home
I got home and made some food. I felt bad for Logan but honestly I didn't like him and he had no control over what Jake and I did. I decided to go on a walk
I found my self in front of jakes house and heard yelling and noticed his mom was gone. I opened the door I mean Jake always said I could come in. He yelling was coming upstairs so I made my way to jakes  room and found them pushing and shoving each other. Just then I noticed jakes hand ball up and I looked down to see Logan's hands on fists as well.
Erika- hey guys the whole neighborhood can here you
They finally stopped yelling and looked over to me
Jake- I didn't know you were coming over
Erika- neither did I
Jake walked over to give me hug I hug him back but when he pulled away there was blood in his shirt.
Erika- hey Jake
Jake- what
Erika- can you come downstairs you to Logan
They both walked downstairs
Erika- Jake sit down
Jake sat down without questioning me
Erika- take off your shirt
Logan- what why
I looked over to Jake and he did as I said and I slipped off his shirt. It relived the small cut he had from before to be larger and blood was everywhere
I grabbed his shirt and balled it up putting it on his chest. I was surprised how big it was.
Erika- we need to go to the hospital I'll question what you guys were doing later. Jake laid in the back as I held his shirt to chest with pressure. Logan drove us to the hospital.
Erika- um Logan
Logan- what
Erika- I think reporters are followed us you distract them while I bring in
Logan nodded and he got out of the car first then I did. I could tell Jake was out of it most of his body weight was leaning on top of me.
Erika- I need help
I said out of breath
They got a stretcher and took Jake
I sat down in a chair waiting for the ok to see him.
After about half an hour the doctor came out
Doctor- ok we stitched him up he's already to go home
Erika- thank you
I walk into see Jake sitting down waiting for me to come in. I give him hug and Jake laid himself on top of me I didn't know how weak he felt until now.
Erika- Jake do you wanna go home now
He nodded
I helped him up as leaned on me but not as much as before. I saw Logan nod at me from across the parking lot so I quickly helped Jake into the car.
Logan- ok that's all the questions I can take for now
Once we got home Imogene and I helped Jake upstairs and laid him down. I took off his shoes and his shirt because he never slept with one on. I saw it it was big and looked like it hurt.
Jake- can you stay here
Erika- I don't want to hurt you while we're sleeping
Jake looked at me
Jake- please
Erika- fine
I grabbed some
Pajamas I had over here and changed
Erika- goodnight Logan
Logan- night
I climbed into bed with Jake
Jake- thank you for coming here when you did I don't want to know what would have happened
Erika- just promise me you will be more careful
Jake laughed
Jake- I promise

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