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I got Into the car and buckled as Hayden slowly drove away I looked back at Jake dissapointed I couldn't make it to the party as I really wanted to but I knew that I had to repair my relationship with my brother and I couldn't just cancel. Hayden took me to get fro yo and we talked I missed having an older brother to talk to. We stayed there for an hour then took a walk around the mall.
Hayden- do you want to go home now
I nodded
Hayden- are you still mad at me
Erika- no
I gave him a hug to reassure that I was fine I was just distracted thinking about Jake the whole time.
We started to walk back to the car and that's when my phone went off.
Jake- decided not to go to the party It wouldn't be the same with out you.
I smiled looking at the text that idiot should have gone to the party.
Erika- you should have gone
I got inside the car and Hayden spoke to me with out even looking
Hayden- are you talking to Jake
Erika- yeah
I said with a big smile
Erika- how did you know
Hayden- you always smile when you text him I'm not dumb
I smiled knowing Hayden was coming around a little
Hayden drove us home and I instantly went to bed
I woke up in the middle of the night with my dad shaking me awake.
Dad- Erika Erika wake up
I woke up with sweat dripping down my face and my hair stuck to my forehead I suddenly felt the urge to puke.
Erika- Dad I don't I don't feel good
I ran to the bathroom and started puking after I was done my dad walked me to my room as tears ran down my face from the pain.
Dad- Hayden
Hayden- yeah dad
Dad- get the medicine from downstairs please
Erika- I don't feel good dad
Dad- I know I know
Hayden soon ran into my room and my dad gave me some pills to reduce the fever.
I finally fell asleep after hours of trying my dad and brother had left and it was finally morning I woke up so many times last night but was fine. I walked downstairs to get some water when I saw a note on the fridge. Your brother and I have gone to work Pam jakes mom number is on the paper if you need anything apparently she's a nurse so I thought she would be best for advice on your feeling. I already had her number but the thought was nice. Jake instantly texted me.
Jake-come outside beautiful
Erika- lol why and I do not look beautiful I am a mess
Jake- come and find out and you know your beautiful don't lie to me
I laughed as I slipped on some slides and put on jakes oversized hoodie he left sometime. I walked outside to see Jake waiting in his car I smiled as I walked over and he motioned me into the car. I sat down as Jake sat there looking as handsome as ever.
Erika- why are you here
I said giggling then having a small cough at the end
Jake- what you don't want me here
Erika- no i do
Jake- my mom told me your we're sick so I brought the goods
He motion to a bag and grabbed outside
Jake- I made you soup well my mom made it and Anthony and chance love it so it has to be good
I laughed as he went on to what was in the bag it basically had on the sick day essentials.
Erika- do you wanna come inside
Jake- I thought you never ask
He grabbed the bag as we both go out of the car and reached his arm out around I quickly  ducked away from him. He looked at me confused and almost hurt  I quickly responded
Erika- I don't want to get you sick Jake
I let out a small sigh of relief
Jake- I don't care if you get me sick at least we will be sick together now come here
I smiled as his wrap his arm around me and walked me to my house.
As we got inside I was about to sit down when I ran to bathroom to puke. Jake came in and pulled my hair out of my face until I finished and brought me into the living room. He sat me on the couch soon after I got up to get some water.
Jake- what are you doing
Erika- just getting some water
Jake- lay down I'll get it
Erika- your not going to let me get anything are you
Jake- nope he got me some water and more blankets as I ate the soup his mom made me it was delicious. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back Jake was laying on the couch.
Erika- where am I suppose to sit
I laughed and let out another raspy cough
Jake- come her
He took me by the arm and laid me on his chest in between his legs. I grabbed the blankets and put it on top of us.
Jake- now go to sleep I nodded drifting of to sleep to the sound of his heart beating l.

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