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I waited at my locker for Jake. A few minutes had gone by. I kept waiting then 30 minutes. I called by dad to pick me up. Why did I think I could trust Jake. Once my dad's truck came I hopped in.
Dad- I thought your science partner was going to bring you home.
Erika- me to
Once I got home I took a shower and ate some dinner then went up to bed and watched YouTube. I heard I knock at the door.
Erika- I'll get it
I opened the door and saw Jake I wanted to slam the door in his face.
Dad- who's at the door
Erika- someone from schoolI'll be right back
Dad- ok
I closed the door and walked out side i sighed and looked at him.
Erika- what do you want
Jake- I'm sorry
Erika- your sorry for leaving me at my locker alone with everyone staring at me for embarrassing me.
I wanted to scream
Jake- yes I'm really sorry it's just my mom she needed me.
Erika- your mom?
Jake- yeah she um she
His voice broke
Erika- hey it's ok
We sat down on the porch and he laid his head on my shoulder and I laid my head on his head. I ran my hand down his back
Jake- I'm sorry about not getting any woto done
Erika- it's fine that dosent doesn't matter right now
Jake- I just I didn't know who to come to and I didn't think you would want to see me.
Erika- hey it's fine Jake really you can always talk to me
Jake turned his head to look at me
Jake- than you so much
I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair.
Erika- do you want to stay here tonight
Jake- would your parents let me
Erika- come inside I'll ask
Jake- ok thanks
He grabbed my arm lightly
Jake- really thanks
I gave him one last hug and led him inside.
Erika- hey dad can Jake stay the night
My dad looked at us.
Dad- um
Erika- please we need to work on  our project and he wasn't able to come earliet. It will be really late when were done.
Dad- fine but no funny business
Erika- thank you
I gave him a big hug
Erika- were gonna go to his house and get him some clothes ok
Dad- that's fine with me
Jake- thank you sir
We headed over to his house and I stayed in the car while he grabbed his clothes.
Erika- you got everything
Jake- yup
And we headed home.

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