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I looked up at him
Erika- thank you
Jake- for what
Erika- for being here with me for me
Jake- and that will never change
I smiled as he held me
Jake- so are you going to go home still
I thought for a minute
Erika- no I have something to do first one sec
Jake- ok?
I walk back to our table as Jake followed right behind me.
Alissa- looks who's back for more
Erika- actually far from it Alissa this should be the last time we have a problem like this do you understand.
Alissa- why are you going to hide behind everyone else while I hurt your "precious feelings"
I laughed I couldn't help it she was ridiculous
Erika- that's not the only thing that's going to be hurt
After the i said that the whole lunch room went wild
Alissa- You don't scare me
Erika- but you don't want me to show you how being scared feels like so why don't you take you little suck up minions and run along I don't want to see your face and if I do it's not going to pretty
Alissa- ok one sec
She quickly smacked her hand across my face as hard as she could the whole room was silent
Jake- you little...
Erika- hey she's not worth it
Jake- she hurt you she hurt my girl
I smiled bigger then I ever had
I turned around to face her
Erika- I would hit you back but that would be animal abuse
She looked taken back
Erika- good now that this is over for me and not for you stop waisting my time
I said and turned around to walk out with Jake
Alissa- what do you mean
Erika- oh you really thought you could smack me and get away with it I don't even have to tell my brother or my father for that matter they'll see it expect a phone call tonight or maybe they make an appearance at your house for your sake I hope they call but I'm really not sure who you should be more afraid of my brother or my dad or maybe any of my friends in this room.
She looked shocked and maybe a little scared which I expected I know I scared her and I knew I was rude but I was done with her messing with
Me I had to stand up for myself.
Jake held me in his arms
Jake- I'm proud of you
I smiled at him
Erika- I didn't know I had it in me
Just then Kade started up a chant in the cafeteria I couldn't stop smiling
Everyone else joined in as jake and I walked out

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