just friends?

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As we walked downstairs my dad was sitting at the table.
Erika- bye dad
Jake- bye mr. Costell
He smiled at us
Dad- have a good day at school guys
We walked outside and hopped in jakes car.
Erika- Mr. Jackson better like our project we had to spend all night working on it
Jake- yeah but it wasnt all bad
He looked at me i smiled
Erika- no it wasnt that bad
We pulled into school and got out standing really close he was about to grab my hand when alissa came. I didnt know her well just that she was jakes ex.
Jake- what are you doing here alissa
Alissa- what are you doing here with her.
Jake- calm down we are partners in science and were just friends amd even if we weren't i wouldn't have to tell you anything.
Erika- im gonna catch up with tessa see you in class jake.
I smiled at Jake and gave him a hug and started to walk away.
Erika- bye alissa
I walked untill i found tessa i wanted to tell her everything but i decided to just keep it to myself.
The bell rang
Erika- ok t i gotta go
Tessa- ok good luck on your project
I smiled at her and walked into class sat in my seat and soon jake followed.
Jake- hey
Erika- hey
Jake- about alissa just ignore her
Erika- hey its fine we are just friends right
Jake- umm yeah
I smiled at him and we talked for a little more. After we finished class we presented.
Jake- we did so good
Erika- i know were a pretty good team
I smiled at him and we walked down the hall into lunch.
Jake- hey before we sit down are you doing anything after school
Erika- um i dont think so
Jake- do you want to come to my house and hangout
Erika- sure
Chance- jake erika over here
We both laughed and headed for the table. We ate lunch and talked with everyone.
Jake- ill text you after school
Erika- you dont have my number
Jake-hmm thats a problem
I laughed
Erika- give me your phone
I took his phone and wrote my number in hid contacts and put a little heart by my name. I handed it back to him.
Erika- you like the heart
He looked at his phone and laughed
Jake- yup
Erika- were gonna be late we better hurry up
Jake- yeah see you later
Erika- bye
I gave him a hug and ran to class i sat next to tessa.
Tessa- dude what were you doing you were almost late
Erika- i know me and jake were talking
Tessa- ooh ooh
Erika- shut up tessa
We both laughed and i tried to pay attention.

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