Tagged for the third time!!

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When shall it ever end?!?!

Just kidding I really don't mind being tagged.

Also, you guys are freaking my mom out. She says I smile too much when I'm on here..... 😊

Anyways, back to business.

1) What are you wearing right now?

One of my moms big shirts cause I was too lazy to unpack my bag. It's purple, and has the words Color Run on it.

2) Favorite snack?

Hmmmm this is a tough one. Cheese and crackers? Takes a longer time to make, but delish. Or Doritos. Also yummy.

3) Device you are using to write this?

Phone sadly, I might need to get a new computer 😭

4) Any pets? And their names...

Two cats, Grayskull and Skittles. Both female, Grayskull is grey and Skittles is an orange, brown, black, and white tortoiseshell. I'd get pictures, except they're hiding in the basement due to our current visitors. (Dogs)

5) Hungry?

Yeah, I just woke up. *whispers* It's one o' clock

6) Why did I say I was doing 15?!?!

I have absolutely no idea, I did not create this tag, ArtisticNarwhal66 did.

7) Crush?

None. I think. It's complicated.

8) Name of crush?

Like I said, its complicated.

9) Where are you right now?


10) Fave band?

Plain White Tees

11) Age?

Already said it in an earlier tag, too late to back out now. 13.

12) Single or Taken?

Single as a Pringle!!

13) Gender

Female, duh.

14) Siblings?

One, a very annoying younger sister.

15) Hobby?

Does Wattpad count? Cause this takes up most of my time. Writing I guess then.

Tag 10 people

Sorry in advance. Btw, no tag backs.


And if I tagged you before, sorry I do this randomly.

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