Summer Haze

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Original prompt: Summer Haze

Lucina and Gerome had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They were almost as notorious among the Shepherds for being joined at the hip as Cynthia and Owain. They'd only separate when it was physically impossible for them not to, like if Gerome was in Rosanne, or Lucina had any royal duties.

But they would almost always get to spend time together after training. They had a special spot that they went to alone. Even at sixteen, when Lucina knew that it was often used for picnics or leisurely walks, she felt like it was a secret place just for the two of them. They called it "the meadow", for that was all it really was, but every time it passed Gerome's lips it sounded like secret code. It would be accompanied with a small smile – a promise of time alone together – and Lucina would always feel excited.

Today, they were lying on their backs in the grass, side by side. It was summer, so training had been especially hard in the heat. All Lucina wanted to do was cool off. But it was proving to be difficult when Gerome was inches away from her.

She wished she hadn't gotten so close to him last week. She wished she hadn't been daydreaming about her lips on his. She hadn't even realised that she'd been closing the distance between them until he'd pulled away. Since then, she'd felt uncertain about how to act when they were alone together.

"Lucina," Gerome said quietly. She knew him well enough to understand that it was a question.

She ignored him.

He turned his face towards her, but she stared at the clouds. He sat up. "Lucina –"

"It's nothing."

"Of course not." Silence. "You don't usually hesitate in telling me your troubles."

Damn. Now he sounded hurt. She finally sat up and turned towards him. "It's not – I'm not worried about anything. There's nothing wrong. I promise."

He stared at her, his eyes breaking down her defences and seeing everything. For an exhilarating moment, she forgot why they were just friends. She felt like she could lean forwards and press her lips against his. She could imagine him wrapping his arms around her and returning the kiss.

It's just this heat, she thought. This is summer madness. He'll never see me the way that I see him.

She turned away again.

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