An Unexpected Gift

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Original prompt: Box

The first time Sumia was around for Frederick's birthday, her surprise didn't quite go as planned.

She was hurrying towards the garrison when it happened, the box cradled against her chest. Despite the fact that she'd ordered it months in advance, her gift had only just been delivered this afternoon. She needed to make haste if she wanted to wrap it in time.

Then she rounded the corner and saw Frederick walking towards her.

She stopped in her tracks and considered ducking back around the corner, but then his eyes landed on her and lit up in a way that made her stomach do backflips.

She'd been hoping to avoid him until the present was ready. She didn't want to seem rude and not wish him happy birthday now, but she didn't want him to realise that the box was his until she'd wrapped it up. It would be safer to pretend that she didn't know it was his birthday.

She'd only just decided on this course of action when he stopped in front of her. She realised that she'd shoved the box behind her back. No wonder he was giving her a funny look.

"Good afternoon, Sumia," he said. "Is everything all right?"


She tried to scoot around him. His huge, muscular frame made it somewhat difficult, especially when he sidestepped and blocked her way. "Are you certain? You seem very nervous. Does it have anything to do with what you're hiding behind your back?"

She blushed, bringing the present in front of her again. "I-it's just a box."

He watched her for a moment, but she avoided his gaze and made an intense study of the ground. Finally, he stepped out of her way.

She sprung forwards with such enthusiasm that she tripped over her own two feet. The box went flying out of her hands, and its contents tumbled out as it fell.

"No!" she yelled as she hit the ground. She pushed herself onto her hands and knees and crawled towards the box. Frederick was already bending over it.

"No!" she repeated, throwing one hand out uselessly as the knight put the gift back inside the box for her. "Frederick, please don't look! It's supposed to be a surprise!"

He closed the box up again and tucked it under his arm. Then he took her hand and hauled her to her feet. "Your secret is safe with me. Are you all right?"

She sighed. "Yes. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, Frederick. I ordered it ages ago, but it only just came today. I was going to wrap it, but never mind. Happy birthday."

His eyes widened. "It's for me?"

Sumia nodded, blood rushing to her cheeks again. "They're special horse treats with secret ingredients exclusive to a site near Mount Prism. They're said to have healing qualities. I thought you and your mare might find them useful when you go out on missions with Captain Chrom. I tried them with my pegasus once, and she loved them."

She stared down at the ground, shuffling her traitorous feet awkwardly as she heard him open the box again. If she'd wrapped the present, she could have left before he'd looked inside. Then she wouldn't have known if he didn't like them.

"Sumia." He squeezed her hand gently, and it was only then that she realised they'd never let go of each other. "Look at me."

She lifted her head cautiously, her heart racing.

"I love them." He smiled warmly. "I am touched that you even remembered it was my birthday."

"Do the other Shepherds not usually remember?"

"Only Prince Chrom and Princess Lissa do." He ducked his head and looked at the box again.

Sumia smiled, unaccustomed to seeing him lose his nerve. "Well, now you can start counting on me to remember each year."

"Yes." He looked up and held her gaze firmly, the steely Frederick back once again. "Listen, Sumia, I was wondering if you would like to go out somewhere with me?"

Her heart swooped. "Is that a date?"

"If you would like it to be."

"Yes, yes I would!" A grin broke across her face. "Gosh, but it's early afternoon already. Did you want to go this evening? That doesn't give me much time. I need to go and start getting ready, and I need to see if I can find Cordelia and tell her, obviously."

Frederick smiled and shook his head at her in bemusement. "I haven't even given you a time."

She skipped away. "It's all right! Come and get me whenever you're ready!"

She almost crashed into a suit of armour but managed to steady herself. I'm ready right now, she thought. Well...almost.

Her wardrobe was going to be thoroughly picked apart before the afternoon was out.

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