Empty Bottle

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Original prompt: Empty Bottle

Chrom usually broke the things around him while he was training, but occasionally he also broke himself.

It was always humiliating, but this time, it was more than just a fall on his face. After accidentally wedging his practice blade in a bush, he'd somehow managed to twist his ankle while he was trying to yank it out. Now he was on bed rest for a few days – mainly, he suspected, because he was the prince.

Although, despite that fact, no one had listened to him when he'd protested. Maybe it was because he yelled in pain every time he put weight on his ankle, but the accident had only happened this morning. It would be fine by tomorrow, he was certain.

Right now, however, the dosage of vulnerary that Lissa had given him was wearing off, and his ankle was starting to throb again. He reached for the bottle of medicine on his bedside table and picked it up.

It was empty.

He growled out a curse, smashing the bottle down again and flopping against his pillows. Damn it. The fiery pain was increasing.

The bedroom door opened a few inches, and Robin stuck her head inside. She pulled a face of mock disappointment. "I was hoping that if I didn't knock, you wouldn't be decent." She winked, then came further into the room and shut the door behind her.

Chrom knew that she was trying to make him feel better, but he could only dreg up half a smile. "I'd make myself indecent for you, but Frederick might kill me if I move. Besides, the vulnerary's worn off. Getting another would be my priority."

Robin moved closer, her brow creasing as she studied him.

Chrom tried to shift his leg over so that she could perch on the edge of their mattress, but even moving it a millimetre made him wince. She placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Then she climbed into his lap.

Now he was smiling properly, even if it was in bemusement. "What are you doing? I definitely can't fetch a vulnerary now."

"Good," she murmured, leaning forward. The ends of her hair fell over her shoulders and tickled the base of his throat. "Let me be your painkiller."

She placed her hands on either side of his face. Then she leaned down and pressed her lips against the pulse in his throat.

He groaned. "Robin, don't be a tease."

"I thought I might get some payback while you're like this," she whispered huskily. "I have so many plans but...fine. I'll just do this."

She moved her lips up to his, and he forgot about the pain as he was overtaken with desire. For a blissful moment, all he could feel was the chemistry between them as their mouths melded together.

Robin pulled back first, looking mischievous as she watched him. Then, as the pain began to ambush his senses once more and he had to grit his teeth, her playful expression fell.

She frowned again, kissed his forehead, and climbed out of his lap. "I'll get the real painkiller now."

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